Best value for 20K HP?

thatgyemartin Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
I'm sitting on 20K HP and considering options on what to do with them.

Should I buy the Shield Training Vault for X-23 & rHulk?

Should I buy 40 pack of heroic tokens or Valkyrie tokens or Simulator tokens?

Should I wait for a better vault to come along?

Thank is advance for any suggestions!


  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    20 rosterslots.

    No discussion
  • Sandmaker
    Sandmaker Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    I would strongly recommend saving it to see if the HP will be relevant to this big new feature they've been hinting at.

    Although to be honest, my guess is that if you can buy anything it'll be through CP, but you never know....
  • thatgyemartin
    thatgyemartin Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Daiches said:
    20 rosterslots.

    No discussion
    Thank you for the suggestion but I already have room on my roster, don't need to hold for the roster slots.
  • thatgyemartin
    thatgyemartin Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Sandmaker said:
    I would strongly recommend saving it to see if the HP will be relevant to this big new feature they've been hinting at.

    Although to be honest, my guess is that if you can buy anything it'll be through CP, but you never know....
    What feature are you referring to?
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daiches said:
    20 rosterslots.

    No discussion
    Thank you for the suggestion but I already have room on my roster, don't need to hold for the roster slots.
    How many slots do you have that you feel you have enough?  I tend to agree with @Daiches. It’s not the most glamorous and I don’t always use HP for slots, but easily 90%. I’m at 200 slots and still chasing buying more. 

    I have ave thought about what I would spend that much on if I ever felt I had enough slots.  I would probably buy a 40 pack HT or 40 pack from a store (not a vault).  This is because at the point I’m at in the game the LT is most important and a store gives guaranteed LT, for a vault it’s 50%.  If I really really wanted a particular 4* to finish off a 5/5/2 I’d buy it from a vault that had it, just realize it’s only a 50% chance unless it’s a rare non-80 vault. 

    Hope that helps. 
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards
    The best deals are usually

    1.  The 40 item limited vault.  (Sometimes, there will be a limited 20 or 40 item vault for 8kish)  These happen once every few months are are tied to major events. (like peggy release)  They are always worth buying.

    2.  Off season Heroic 40s for 10k.  These vaults are the discount version of the standard event packs (which are 15k)  These packs have a free lt and boosted BH rate

    2a.  40packs from regular vaults for 12k  The big difference is that 40x from vaults don't include the bonus LT.  There are some advantages for these vaults involving the ability to reset, and calculate individual pull ods.  But overvall the off season heroic 40s (i.e. the off season pvp events) are the better buy.

    3.  Boss event vaults.(8kish)  There are always special limited vaults run with Boss events that have special rewards.

    4.  7 day pve vaults.  These vaults are valuable for 2 reasons.  1.  These vaults are long enough that you can reliably earn 20+ tokens through regular sub placements.  2.  The daily deals extend long enough that you buy ALOT of discount pulls.  But to get the best value of these vaults,  you have to do some math...
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,032 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2018
    I have never bought slots ahead of time. I just purchased them as needed. With one exception. And that one exception made me glad that I never bought slots ahead of time. And that of course was the great roster slot sale of 2018. I think I spent like 16k on slots during that time. I think almost all of my HP. But why buy in bulk today what could go on sale tomorrow? Never made much sense. Still have a ton of open slots from that sale (210 slots total). 

    I agree on waiting until we get details on the new feature and possibly waiting until Infinity War. Might be some really good vaults there worth spending on. 
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    Roster slots all the way
  • First21
    First21 Posts: 87 Match Maker
    I am sitting at almost 60,000 and counting. Saving untell I get 100,000 then I might get 9 HT 40 packs but since I got wind of the new secret feature I might save it until then. Mean time I use my HPs for roster slots and health packs to keep my placement when I ran out of free health packs
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,412 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vault wise, the anniversary is the best. Lots of Dino covers
  • Jrlrma
    Jrlrma Posts: 65 Match Maker
    If youre not going to use it for slots i would hold onto them until infinity war releases. Whatever new stuff is coming will be here by then. 
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards
    oh last point.  the general conversion for hero points to LT is a little under 10k.  If your at a stage where earning LTs are important, then the only question to ask is;

    "Does this use of ???HP get me a LT cheaper than buying an off season 40x for 10khp."

  • BigSoftieFF
    BigSoftieFF Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    I save them for a HFH purchase during crunch time.
    NMANOZ Posts: 108 Tile Toppler
    Bagman vault
  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Agree with most others.  I bought like 50 slots during the roster slot sale and they are all full now.  Saving for roster slots is always a good plan.  There are some good vaults around holidays/events that are worth saving for.  Or if you have a hoard off-season 40-packs when you cash in your hoard can help boost the results a bit.
  • Shintok17
    Shintok17 Posts: 620 Critical Contributor
    Pongie said:
    Vault wise, the anniversary is the best. Lots of Dino covers
    That's a good one. I bought it out last year. It also has some items that are more than 1K HP in it. It's great for ISO-8 and HP. 
  • SymmeTrey
    SymmeTrey Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    I think the advice to hold it is best. In a vacuum, roster slots are, unquestionably, the best value for HP. However, in practice, you sometimes may be willing to spend HP on other things to fill specific needs or wants. So, I think it's best to just hold the HP until those needs/wants present themselves.

    If you still need/want covers at a slightly accelerated pace, the 100 HP daily deal is the best value in changing HP to tokens. There could also be a special vault for Infinity War, or April fools, and we know one will come for Anniversary. You might need a Hero for Hire along the way to get a crucial cover that you have been missing. You may need roster slots for dupes.

    As long as you hold the HP, you have the option to do many things. I say hold it until you really need/want to spend it. If you're inventing reasons to spend it just because you think you maybe should spend it today, you will spend sub-optimally.

  • Jrlrma
    Jrlrma Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Whens the anniversary?
  • Jrlrma
    Jrlrma Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Thanks. Im expecting a bunch of stuff for infinity war. 
  • thatgyemartin
    thatgyemartin Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Thank you to everyone for all of the great tips. I’m going to hold on to my HP until the right vault/event presents itself.