Advice for Resource management

Rhasget Posts: 412 Mover and Shaker
After hoarding resources for XLN, spending all and getting disappointed I wanted to ask how to maximize my future savings.

The timer in the Vault for RIX cards says 58 days so an assumption could be made for Dominaria to release then.

So I have 300 purples, 7000 crafting orbs and 100 yellows.
Do I spend it on RIX since the droprates are better (not that it matters for me since I'm not on RNGesus good side) or save for Dominaria to splash big then instead?

Origins, HOU and AKH are complete collections for me.
XLN I have all Common/Uncommon and 12/40 Rares, 3 Mythic

RIX (spent some cash to get a few PPs at last).
All common/uncommon, 6/26 Rare and no mythic.

My feeling is I will be getting poor returns for yellow crystals as my collection stands.
But what should I use purples/crafting orbs on?
XLN or RIX or save for DOM?


  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2018
       If you feel comfortable in events with your current collection, i would say save your yellows, pinks and orbs for dominaria. If dominaria boosters are as hard to get as RIX ones across events it seems better to have enough currencies saved for a few premium packs when its released. Then you'll have a decent collection of cards that will remain standard for a while. (Not to mention that the "in case of... i can still use cycling" won't be an option anymore). 
        With your orbs you'll also be able to craft RIX mythics for a better price. RIX being a small set, its probably easier to get a decent part of the cards with crafting.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not sure if you spend crystals on PW, but the 2 news ones are 2 of the best ever released, so if you don't pay cash for them you might want to consider those as well. 

    My general rule is 1 for 1. I wait until I have enough crystals or pinkies for 2 packs and then I get one of the current set and save the rest -- then I wait until  I have enough for 3, etc.... this ihas worked pertty well for me in the past. I get new stuff and a good jump on saving for the next set. 
  • Rhasget
    Rhasget Posts: 412 Mover and Shaker
    bken1234 said:
    I'm not sure if you spend crystals on PW, but the 2 news ones are 2 of the best ever released, so if you don't pay cash for them you might want to consider those as well. 

    My general rule is 1 for 1. I wait until I have enough crystals or pinkies for 2 packs and then I get one of the current set and save the rest -- then I wait until  I have enough for 3, etc.... this ihas worked pertty well for me in the past. I get new stuff and a good jump on saving for the next set. 
    I don't spend cash on PWs. Thats one reason my yellows are in short supply.
    I would like to get both Angrath and G/W Huatli (got Vraska just now) but will only have enough for one this rotation I think.

    Will try and save up as you suggested with the 1 for 1 deal.

  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rhasget said:
    bken1234 said:
    I'm not sure if you spend crystals on PW, but the 2 news ones are 2 of the best ever released, so if you don't pay cash for them you might want to consider those as well. 

    My general rule is 1 for 1. I wait until I have enough crystals or pinkies for 2 packs and then I get one of the current set and save the rest -- then I wait until  I have enough for 3, etc.... this ihas worked pertty well for me in the past. I get new stuff and a good jump on saving for the next set. 
    I don't spend cash on PWs. Thats one reason my yellows are in short supply.
    I would like to get both Angrath and G/W Huatli (got Vraska just now) but will only have enough for one this rotation I think.

    Will try and save up as you suggested with the 1 for 1 deal.

    Have you completed Story Mode?
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    bken1234 said:
    Rhasget said:
    bken1234 said:
    I'm not sure if you spend crystals on PW, but the 2 news ones are 2 of the best ever released, so if you don't pay cash for them you might want to consider those as well. 

    My general rule is 1 for 1. I wait until I have enough crystals or pinkies for 2 packs and then I get one of the current set and save the rest -- then I wait until  I have enough for 3, etc.... this ihas worked pertty well for me in the past. I get new stuff and a good jump on saving for the next set. 
    I don't spend cash on PWs. Thats one reason my yellows are in short supply.
    I would like to get both Angrath and G/W Huatli (got Vraska just now) but will only have enough for one this rotation I think.

    Will try and save up as you suggested with the 1 for 1 deal.

    Have you completed Story Mode?

    If you did a bunch early on and then stopped, there's a VERY good chance you can do a lot more of it now. We have many new tricks and in story you can use _anything_.
    eg. some old bosses really aren't ready for Vraska!
  • Szamsziel
    Szamsziel Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    I'd suggest to use ajani2 or new huatli with bolas - only two fights and you have covered color wheel on story.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    Szamsziel said:
    I'd suggest to use ajani2 or new huatli with bolas - only two fights and you have covered color wheel on story.
    This is what I use for card mastery (my color challenges are done in my main) -- but these PWs cover so much more ground. 
  • Rhasget
    Rhasget Posts: 412 Mover and Shaker
    I finished story mode a long time ago. 

    Also before XLN was released there were alot of legacy events also. Smaller brackets meant (for me atleast) higher placements and more rewards. Now there are less events in total (haven't actually counted but feels like so) and with bigger brackets, giving lesser rewards. 
    AI is great but some legacy PVE events are ones that mostly gives runes and just a few crystals, making it slower to stock up.
    IM_CARLOS Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    Take Huatli 2. She is a bomb, ready for ultimate almost every turn after turn 3.
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    IM_CARLOS said:
    Take Huatli 2. She is a bomb, ready for ultimate almost every turn after turn 3.
    (but frustrating at low levels like many others!)
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kinesia said:
    IM_CARLOS said:
    Take Huatli 2. She is a bomb, ready for ultimate almost every turn after turn 3.
    (but frustrating at low levels like many others!)

    Which is why I don't understand purposely leaving a walker at low levels, they are usually miserable to play with. I mean I get why it's done, I just would never play that way.
  • Coilbox
    Coilbox Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    bken1234 said:
    I'm not sure if you spend crystals on PW, but the 2 news ones are 2 of the best ever released, so if you don't pay cash for them you might want to consider those as well. 

    My general rule is 1 for 1. I wait until I have enough crystals or pinkies for 2 packs and then I get one of the current set and save the rest -- then I wait until  I have enough for 3, etc.... this ihas worked pertty well for me in the past. I get new stuff and a good jump on saving for the next set. 
    These last 2 PW are certainly really really fun to play with, and the best thing is that they are not just closed to set mechanics, but their skills can be used in any enviroment... Having a blast with them :)
  • ArielSira
    ArielSira Posts: 546 Critical Contributor
    What I wonder is why you spent all your stuff on Ixalan? Didn't you see the cards beforehand? I had lots saved up as well but if I remember correctly I spent it on the discounted HOU and Origins packs and used my purples later on Rivals elite packs. The Ixalan cards weren't worth it at the time.
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kinesia said:
    IM_CARLOS said:
    Take Huatli 2. She is a bomb, ready for ultimate almost every turn after turn 3.
    (but frustrating at low levels like many others!)

    Which is why I don't understand purposely leaving a walker at low levels, they are usually miserable to play with. I mean I get why it's done, I just would never play that way.

    Purposefully is the key word. It's not. I have limited resources and can't level everyone to 40 even. So new ones get to go to 20 or 30 as a priority but then I go back to "whoever is number 1 priority" and I haven't decided who that is right now... Sorin needs to be bigger for me maybe, he's 47 and I beat Elenda with him but a boost would help. Vraska is doing fine at 56 but I really want her to 60. I totally totally want Angrath to 60 but he's 40 now.

    I _can't_ level them all at once and I don't have the time to grind story more than a little bit a week.
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Right, that's why I was distinguishing between those who have the runes and don't level up and those who don't have the runes and want to level up. 
  • gogol666
    gogol666 Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Right, that's why I was distinguishing between those who have the runes and don't level up and those who don't have the runes and want to level up. 
    Objectives that requires you to finish with low hp or not to take too much damage are much easier at low levels
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    gogol666 said:
    Right, that's why I was distinguishing between those who have the runes and don't level up and those who don't have the runes and want to level up. 
    Objectives that requires you to finish with low hp or not to take too much damage are much easier at low levels
    It’s just as easy to kill your PW in Story or TG and go in. Actually easier because you have the benefit of full abilities and mana gains. 
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    gogol666 said:
    Right, that's why I was distinguishing between those who have the runes and don't level up and those who don't have the runes and want to level up. 
    Objectives that requires you to finish with low hp or not to take too much damage are much easier at low levels

    Yeah i know, I just ignore those objectives if they aren't for black nodes. 
  • Rhasget
    Rhasget Posts: 412 Mover and Shaker
    ArielSira said:
    What I wonder is why you spent all your stuff on Ixalan? Didn't you see the cards beforehand? I had lots saved up as well but if I remember correctly I spent it on the discounted HOU and Origins packs and used my purples later on Rivals elite packs. The Ixalan cards weren't worth it at the time.
    I have a full collection of Origins and HOU so buying those packs are even worse ROI  :)

    And if I had been smarter I would've saved more reosurces but I figured it would be more time to stock up for Rivals. 
    And with this experience I started this thread for advice on how to manage it in the future.
  • DumasAG
    DumasAG Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    so, is the consensus that Angrath is worth the crystal investment?