Countdown tiles resolving when character stunned

Ptahhotep Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
Countdown tiles decrement and resolve if they are below an Astral Vision tile that resolves and stuns the character that placed them.


  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi @Ptahhotep. Just to clarify, is this what you're describing:
    1. Character A creates a Countdown tile that happens to be below an Astral Vision tile. Player's turn ends.
    2. Enemy's turn starts. Astral Vision resolves, which ends up stunning Character A. Enemy's turn ends.
    3. Player's turn starts. Character A's Countdown tile still continued to decrement, and then resolves.
    Is that correct?
  • Ptahhotep
    Ptahhotep Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Not quite. What I observed was an enemy countdown tile (specifically, a thug pistol) was at one when an Astral Vision tile resolved and stunned the enemy (the thug) that had placed the countdown tile. The countdown tile was lower down the board but continued to decrement and resolve as the tiles were processed down the board even though the enemy was now stunned. Since enemies are able to move on the turn they recover from Astral Vision stuns, unlike normal stuns, this is effectively giving them an extra turn.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Ahh I see. Understood. Thanks for providing that information! I'll relay it to the team for investigation.