Cards lootable inconsistencies

Tilwin90 Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
Howdy y'all, 
While looking through the available cards, I noticed:
- Some cards are not marked as non-lootable but can in fact not be obtained from any boosters. These include Admiral Beckett, Vona, Tishana and Gishath. Would've been nice to have the "Not lootable" watermark on them to know they won't be obtainable (not much of a loss really, but still...)
- Star of Extinction is actually obtainable only via the elite pack. Why? If this was intentional, it's super shady. If it's a bug, it's kinda sucky too, since I know quite a few people wanted to get their hands on it...


  • DBJones
    DBJones Posts: 803 Critical Contributor
    Star of Extinction is a weird case, but I think those others are the ones Brigby said were going to be buyable exclusives. The exclusive markers not showing up (and the HOU exclusives still being so, sort of) is the bug.