Was it worth it?



  • Marvaddin
    Marvaddin Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Cards I got buying 7 more Origins fat packs:

    Uncommon: Weight of the Underworld (meh!), Jhessian Thief, Ringwarden Owl, Consecrated by Blood
    Rare: Herald of the Pantheon, Abbot of Keral Keep, Kothophed Soul Hoarder, Embermaw Hellion, Scab-Clan Berserker, Willbreaker, Harbinger of the Tides, Mizzium Meddler
    Mythic: Avaricious Dragon, Disciple of the Ring

    Could have more Mythics, huh? Also got around 5500 orbs, so I crafted 2 more mythics. Wanting Archive and Gaea, but got Skaab Goliath and Archangel of Tithes.

    Yet, it was good to skip Ixalan. Would get mostly commons and uncommons I will get later anyway, some rares and mythics which are probably weaker than the ones I got, and would get less orbs, even with 50% bonus. Also, I would buy 7 packs instead of 12.

    Thanks again, Oktagon! :)

  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    I bought 4 premium packs of Ixalan. ZERO mythics and two of the premium packs contained only the guaranteed rare. There should be a 25% chance for a mythic according to the drop rate information. Next to the cards being cheaper compared to when they were sneakpeeked, I don't have enough play time with them. I don't like the treasure mechanic. Too random and also gives your opponent mana. It's nice to play with new cards after having months of nothing, but I'm not really convinced yet about the cards. I do like the themes Ixalan brings and the design of the new Ixalan event seems decent.
  • UweTellkampf
    UweTellkampf Posts: 376 Mover and Shaker
    My pulls have been underwhelming, one mythic out of around 3000 spent crystals, couple of extra rares. After booster crafting I too had little to spend my crystals on, so it's the privileged player talking, and I don't really mind the bad luck as much because there are only a few cards in the set anyway, which I found good enough to maybe implement in my decks.

    I have also not found much incentive to play with the new cards since the only new event (as of now) doesn't force me to do so, and TG is still swamped with creatures from other sets which are overwhelmingly more powerful that anything I got from XLN boosters.

    Now, I'm waiting for the new PVP event. That one seems to make us use the new tribes, so I will probably feel pressured to have to deal with cards that "gain vigilance until end of turn" and similar fantastic ideas of the set. I would be more happy not to do so of course. My excitement for the game has gone down for the first time since I started playing; I was so happy to get new content, since the HOU time felt kind of like a fish on the dry land, very close to the water - the great potential not being used. I was hoping to see some of that potential with interesting new cards and concepts, and now I have a 31 mana 4/6 ship to play with. 

  • Chubby
    Chubby Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    Honestly, I got what are probably the two best mythics—the pirate that creates treasures and the merfolk—and I can’t fathom any reason I’d ever use them to actually win a game, unless their subtype was part of a secondary objective. There’s some fun flavor, but from a practical perspective, the set is a massive bust. 
  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    edited February 2018
    The more i play it the more i hate it. Trying to get something out of the supports is giving me headaches .... 

    Supports that enter the board with 1 shield but needs to be fliped under painful conditions ... Then self destruct in 2 or 3 turns after being flipped and cant be reinforced ....

    Mythic and rare supports that are worse than commom cards (arguels blood fast is a joke, it might eventually kill you or your creatures on a bad cascade)

    Mana costs were only the obvious part of the problem, but the whole design of the set is a failure ... It cannot even adapt to the mechanics it is introducing. 

    I really like (liked?) This game ... but after awaiting such a long time, such a messy set feels like a very bad joke.... Not to mention the overcost and the lowered droprate in the XLN packs.

    Oktagons intentions were probably good but now they screwed this set ... i really hope they won't screw the whole game up.

  • Dropspot
    Dropspot Posts: 200 Tile Toppler
    Anything will look underpowered after cycling.

    Cycling is the most broken mechanic ever made.

    I hope new events force us to leave our comfort zone and embrace the new set.

  • FindingHeart8
    FindingHeart8 Posts: 2,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Appreciate the feedback!  I got nest robber in the only tinykitty Ixalan pack I got from the Ixalan event.  I'm determined that's the best card in mtgpq and it's all downhill from here.  I'm going to enjoy my Omniloop Saheeli deck where the only card that can deal damage in the deck is nest robber.

    I'll be expecting my invitation in the mail soon for my V.I.P. ticket to Tartarus, delivered by owl please.