'Neutral' hazard tiles are not neutral enough

DeNappa Posts: 1,401 Chairperson of the Boards
With the recent change to hazard tiles, they are no longer owned by the enemy team. To quote the bullet points posted in the Wakanda thread:

  • Hazard tiles are now considered Neutral.
  • They now are displayed as Silver to show that they are neither friendly nor enemy.
  • Enemy powers that activate off of friendly Countdown tiles events will no longer activate.
  • Hazard tiles do not take Strike tiles into account.
  • Hazard tiles that deal damage will still deal reduced damage depending on Protect tiles.
However, there are still 'neutrality' issues:
  • Cascades resulting from Hazard tiles going off still feed AP
  • Hazard countdowns always expire on the enemy's turn, so the damage dealt (by cascades) will always damage the player's team and never the enemy team.
  • Hazard countdowns always expire on the enemy's turn, so (combined with point 1) cascades will only feed the enemy team free AP.
(/edit: clarified #2)


  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey there DaNappa, thank you for submitting your feedback regarding these new changes to the Hazard tiles feature. I'll be sure to bring your concerns to the developers so that they can understand what is happening. if you have any other concerns or feedback, I'd recommend contacting the D3 Go! Customer Support team so they can assist you further. You should be able to contact them with this link:

  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also, specifically with the Royal Shield Hazards, they only ever steal the Player's Protect tiles for the enemy, not vice-versa. That doesn't seem very "neutral" at all.
  • vernr1
    vernr1 Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    I agree that these don’t feel ‘neutral’ in any way. They are extra enemy tiles that get created. Why D3D lies and calls them anything but is the true question.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    They're neutral so that they can't be affected by your skills.
    They clearly were never meant to be neutral as in "benefit both sides".
  • Dotproduct
    Dotproduct Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    The collapsing mine also steals player AP but not AI AP.
  • Ryudoz
    Ryudoz Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    The collapsing mine also steals player AP but not AI AP.
    I have also been noticing this. Been keeping a close eye to make sure I'm not hallucinating.
  • Dotproduct
    Dotproduct Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    Ryudoz said:
    The collapsing mine also steals player AP but not AI AP.
    I have also been noticing this. Been keeping a close eye to make sure I'm not hallucinating.

    Well when about 5-6 resolve at once and you see your counters go down and theirs not it's pretty obvious.
  • Ptahhotep
    Ptahhotep Posts: 436 Mover and Shaker
    They are considered as friendly special tiles when checking for friendly specials in at least one case. 
  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 827 Critical Contributor
    If they were true neutral they wouldn't benefit either team, or they'd benefit both teams indiscriminately.

    The first sub's tiles "Exploding Tech" (?) were sort of neutral in that they damaged both teams when they blew up, but they still only counted down and detonated on the enemy's turn, and so they still weren't truly neutral because, as DeNappa already noted, the enemy team could benefit from any matches/cascades resulting from the tiles counting down, but the player's team never could.
    First Round's Tiles? Not Neutral.

    The second tiles sort of appeared neutral because they initially created friendly protect tiles but if they fully counted down would flip them to enemy protect tiles. So if you matched them away you could keep the protect tiles, but there were so many coming in that it was impossible to prevent them all from counting down in every single match. With enough DPS you could do it in the earlier matches, but longer matches? Forget about it. And one counter wouldn't just steal a few protect tiles, one counter would steal every single friendly protect tile on the board. Then, just to "rub it in", they'd generate one last "friendly" protect tile as they ticked down then immediately steal that tile and every other protect tile on the board. If these tiles were truly neutral, they'd "belong" to the team whose turn it was when they appeared, meaning they could generate protect tiles for either team, and steal tiles for either team.
    Second Round's Tiles? Not Neutral.

    The AP destruction tiles were also absolutely NOT neutral at all. In addition to only counting down on the enemy's turn, they also ONLY destroyed the player's AP. Seriously? How the feth is that "neutral"?!?! If they were truly neutral, they would have destroyed AP from both teams, not just the friendly team.
    Third Round's Tiles? Not Neutral.

    TLDR: Don't piss on our boots and try to tell us it's raining.