ImBalance of Power

JuanAV2141 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
I noticed something with the 4 and 5*'s in my roster.

America lvl 90 is at 0/2/1. Match damage is (highest to lowest) 56, 50, 43.
Red Hulk lvl 90 0/1/2, dmg 53, 47, 41.

I'm thinking the reason for this is America has two covers in her second strongest color. The rest of my 4*, no matter how many covers they have in different colors and are at the same level, deal the same dmg.

My 5* are all at base level 255.

Thanos 2/0/2; dmg is 167, 149, 130
Angel 2/0/1; 175, 156, 136
Natasha 0/2/1; 147, 131, 115
Bolt 0/1/1; 148; 132, 115
Murdock 1/1/0; 165, 146, 128
Surfer 0/1/1; 146, 130, 113
Kid Spidey 0/1/1; 162, 144, 126

Anyone know why this is?


  • T_REZ5000
    T_REZ5000 Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    I had read somewhere that America has higher match damage than other 4*s so her red passive can be more relevant.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    They started tweaking match damage with the introduction of 5* characters.  I think the idea was that a weaker support character might benefit from not being pushed up front as often, so they could survive longer to use their powers.  I don't really play with any of my 5* characters, so I'm not sure how well this has worked out in practice.

    I think America Chavez is the first time they've done it for a 4* character, and it certainly seems to be done due to her red power only helping for colours she is strongest in.

    It has nothing to do with the number of covers you have for a particular character though: in an event like Balance of Power, America would have the same match damage advantage if you had her fully covered.