Non-Game screen: Replace "Train" button with something better

BearVenger Posts: 455 Mover and Shaker
MPQ has gone through a number of main menu screen changes, and they've balanced functionality against "cleanliness." I really appreciate that.

However, there are still a few functions that can only be accessesed, awkwardly, through the "Fight!" screen right before a match: healing and team-ups.

I propose expanding/replacing the "Train" button with a "Manage" or "Maintenance" (or "CrowdsourceABetterName") button.

Currently the "Train" button offers no function that can't currently be performed in the "Roster" button, while the "Roster" button allows for artwork/bio viewing, faster max-levelling, and character sellback; as well as filtering by rarity level.

To put it bluntly, the "Train" button is redundant.

I propose giving the "Train" button functionality to apply health packs to characters, as well as a teamups/boost button that swaps between a 5x5 grid of current teamups and a grid of 5xWhatevermany boosts. The Teamup tab/screen would allow users to trash unwanted teamups and ask for new ones, and the Boost would allow users to purchase more boosts. This would allow users to apply those processes without going through a multi-step pathway that gets them a hair's breadth from starting a new game.

When I'm running through Story or Versus events, I often will speed-press through the victory/loss screens to get to the next match. I don't really care in the monent which teamup I pick up. If I lose a character that I can replace with another, I don't care to heal them right then and there. I'd rather just jump back into the game.

If afterwards, I could review all my injured/downed characters and apply health packs to them, I think that would be very nice and might prompt me to purchase more health packs, rather than freaking out when I'm in the middle of a Versus/Story event.

I think it would be a good improvement to allow those features in a menu screen. I think, whether done as its own screen or as an expanded "Train" screen, being able to apply health packs and manage boosts/teamups outside of starting a match would be a positive Quality of Life change.