Who is the most fun 5* character of 2017?

fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,991 Chairperson of the Boards
edited January 2018 in MPQ Character Discussion
I was just curious which of the new class of 5* characters other players found to be the most fun. While Gambit is obviously at the top of the class in terms of raw power, I don't find the straightforward nature of his power set all that exciting. I have heard others sing the praises of Daredevil as being the go-to character for the strategic player and Spider-Man to be a real treat for Parker fans, but I personally find Thor to be the most fun.

While I was initially a bit bummed that he wasn't the next meta-defining character and still feel his HP should be a bit higher, I do feel this is one character the devs did a great job of capturing the overall essence of. His true power is unleashed once he dips below 50% with awesome board shake and AP generation so I often find myself starting matches with him just below 50%. His yellow is pretty cool with the exception of fighting against Gambit teams and I feel his red has some untapped potential. All in all, I think he makes matches more exciting and enjoyable.

He actually is the pillar of my party Sim team of Gambit, Thor and Archangel. Good times!

Which character do you bring out when you want to have party?

Also those who prefer the older generation of 5* please feel free to chime in. The poll is limited to 10 options so I made it 2017 specific but if there is an older 5* character that you think is the bees knees then by all means. :)

Who is the most fun 5* character of 2017? 93 votes

Black Panter (Civil War)
Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
Dinobot77killercoolGrimSkaldZootSaxLukoilNorinthOrionTeam_Wade658DyingLegendPants1000DesertTortoisenwahs086throughsilverLordRaynecaptainheathMCUinmyPantsHanedog72Pyram7 19 votes
Star-Lord (Awesome Mix Volume 2)
Doctor Octopus (Classic)
Over__FlowThaRoadWarrior 2 votes
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Polaresedgewriter[Deleted User]Mark70Black DukebluewolfForbushJosh2338AnonmarshallCactus_Jack_87 11 votes
Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
PorkBellyStarfurysinnerjflSandmakerMoosePrimePiro_plockLLohmgiotorres81smkspyJarvindthechairmanbrollTiger_WongStraycatBubba3210SolidGuyDarthDeVovinsensualRumakashiSTERLING21JJ 25 votes
Gambit (Classic)
HendrossAkkon32LavaManLeekrak0Jabrony_GeoffDjinnBabbaWarrenVaultrocks52hunky_funkyDax317modok47 11 votes
Thor (Gladiator)
SpoitrixmithscotteeatomzedSeriouslyDartmaster01fight4thedreamd1amonddawgneodukeaxmossDJSquiggyPolarPopBearzodiac339hopper1979BigBZ32xAzra3lxMr BaconOldManWolvsNaesyvelsandalsnopants 21 votes
Archangel (Classic)
shadowyoshi 1 vote
I don't know or have an opinion
maguirenumber6Mjolnirmight2crackninja 3 votes


  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2018
    Daredevil (Matt Murdock)

    Daredevil, mostly because he was my first one.

    I still remember using him for the first week wondering what I had to do to get this guy killed.

  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
    Daredevil Gamora is such a fun combination, and capable of melting down champed thanos in a single turn.  I imagine a lot of people have fun with Hawkeye Coulson too.  
  • dadows
    dadows Posts: 59 Match Maker
    Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
    DD. Yesterday in sim I took on panthos and peggy with him, grocket and gamora. went south quick as I forgot to heal grocket peggy got her stun off followed by court death downing gamora. DD with 10k health remained and managed to stun and take down peggy, bp and then thanos one by one while healing himself.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
    I went Daredevil, a lot of which has to do with the fact he's my sole 5* champ. But he's so helpful with managing healthpack usage in PvE and PvP and he goes straight beast mode when someone is stunned, especially is you have strikes and/or attack tiles out.

    However, I have a 5/5/1 Level 255 5pidey, and I really want to get those last two covers and champ him, because his green seems fun with the limited use I have for it. 

    I also have Panther fully covered parked at Level 290. It can be fun strategically placing him in front before the AI fires a nuke. He takes minimal damage, then comes back from his stun with a vengeance. It's always fun pulling off Spirit of Wakanda, too.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Thor (Gladiator)
    I really enjoy Thor. His green passive can make matches fly by, but it can be tricky managing the fight to keep him as close to half health as possible. There is a risk factor in deciding how low to allow him to go before giving him a health pack, and then having to figure out how to get him back down to the optimal health range.

    I really enjoy Daredevil as well, but now that I have a champed Gambit he doesn't get that much play because his most interesting power (Purple) can't be used. Losing out on Thor's Red doesn't detract nearly as much from him.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
    Ya boy Murdock is pretty stellar. Starting off a match with him at low health and then just going nuts as he drops strikes is super fun.

    Parker is a close second. Crit tiles and the semi-unpredictable nature of his green make him interesting to use.

    Thor seems like he'd be fun to use at 50%, but I only have two covers for him so far.

    Also, lolz at zero votes for Gambit.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
    Fun?  Absolutely Hawkeye.  Hawkeye/Coulson punches WAY above their weight class.  Launching 5-6 arrows per turn and seeing all of those countdowns resolve takes forever, but it's tons of fun too.
  • Ragnoluce
    Ragnoluce Posts: 50 Match Maker
    I'm still a 4 player, so almost all of my 5* usage is purely for fun (unless its a PVE required node). That said, I'd give the nod to Daredevil too--he's one of my least covered 5s but playing him boosted with Gamora + Sandman had me giggling all the way through difficult wave nodes.

    2nd Place definitely goes to Hawkeye/Coulson. Add in Capt. Marvel and its pretty much game over.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    4* only player here (all 5s at 255).

    I went HAM and chased/covered DD (5/4/4) because he’s my favorite superhero. Then did the same for Gambit (5/3/5) because he’s THAT good.

    Daredevil has replaced OML as my Thanos fodder against seed teams.  So... meh

    Gambit has actually found a place on my 4* teams. My favorite being Gambit/Carol/Blade. Gambit fuels Bloodlust and creates Countdowns to buff strikes from the other two. Fun team, but Gambit is squishy and tanks everything so requires a lot of packs for sustained use. Oh, Gambit is also one of my go tos against all goon teams because he can overwrite 4 Countdowns while Grocket wears them down with strikes. 

    While Gambit has been more fun, I can’t vote against my favorite superhero (and first ever maxed covered 5!). Glad to see him winning in the polls!
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    Doctor Octopus (Classic)
    Wildly unpopular opinion, but I voted Dr. Octopus even though I just have 1 green cover on him. I'm an early 4* player, so I'm not invested in the 5* Meta at all. What I like about Dock is that he presents sort of his own micro-challenge of triggering his green, kind of turning every match into one of the more mechanically interesting boss fights - just against yourself lol. I know it is at odds with the do-all-the-nodes-super-fast-at-just-the-right-time-of-day meta the game forces you into, but it really does feel like you're playing with a Boss Character to have that instant win nuke that you need to pull off at just the right time (it is a super bummer that it doesnt auto-win wave nodes anymore). I also really like that they went with the super goofy old school character design on him for the 5* compared to that hip new ponytail Otto at 3*. Sure he could stand to be improved in any number of ways (self stun? AP acceleration?), but I applaud whoever went out on a limb to try and come up with interesting powers. 
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
    rixmith said:
    There is a risk factor in deciding how low to allow him to go before giving him a health pack, and then having to figure out how to get him back down to the optimal health range.

    Step 1 - Enter any PVE node with Thor + two characters you won't be using
    Step 2 - Retreat.
    Step 3 - Repeat x4
    Step 4 - Profit
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,276 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
    Jarvind said:

    Also, lolz at zero votes for Gambit.
    Gambit is incredibly boring to play, not much strategy, just wait to spam red/purple and he can safely remove every special... such a bore.

    Daredevil's my favorite as well, he's a lot of fun to play, powerful and he's a bit puzzly. Stunning someone then trying to find a mini-cascade with matches for big damage is very fun.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thor (Gladiator)
    With apologies to Spidey, my first 5 Champ, I have to go with Thor. It’s really the crazy passive that does it. Since Champing him, I’ve been doing PVP to damage him, then cruising through PVE missions, watching him tear the board apart. It is so very satisfying. I’m honestly confused by so many responses for Daredevil as “fun”. He has a green that gets ignored, a purple that relies on enemy specials (though I’m looking forward to Champing Phoenix eventually and recklessly spamming red to take the attack tiles back as strikes) to really be good, and a yellow that gives crazy sustain, but isn’t really “fun”.
    Spidey gets second on the fun-o-meter, with web management, flippy-flippy green, and the occasional really good critical cascade from red making him fairly interesting to play.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
    zodiac339 said:
    With apologies to Spidey, my first 5 Champ, I have to go with Thor. It’s really the crazy passive that does it. Since Champing him, I’ve been doing PVP to damage him, then cruising through PVE missions, watching him tear the board apart. It is so very satisfying. I’m honestly confused by so many responses for Daredevil as “fun”. He has a green that gets ignored, a purple that relies on enemy specials (though I’m looking forward to Champing Phoenix eventually and recklessly spamming red to take the attack tiles back as strikes) to really be good, and a yellow that gives crazy sustain, but isn’t really “fun”.
    Spidey gets second on the fun-o-meter, with web management, flippy-flippy green, and the occasional really good critical cascade from red making him fairly interesting to play.
    Somebody's never had the AI match green multiple times, or gotten a lengthy cascade while an opponent is stunned.
    STERLING21JJ Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
    I've enjoyed playing with daredevil probably the most cause I like his stikes with green ability.  Plus like everyone else enjoy a well timed stun/steal.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thor (Gladiator)
    My fave is Thor. Even though i have Gambit champ at level 465, I find myself using my level 457 Thor more often. 

    With Thor, i find myself playing him differently depending on his hp. Above 50%, i try to keep him in front to tank damage. When he is below 50%, i try to keep him behind so that i can continue to reap rewards from his green passive. It's a mini game in itself, which i challenge myself to play as many games with him below 50%. i think i have managed to play 10 games so far. 

    My best PVP team now is Thor-Gambit-SS. Full rainbow active. SS has true heal, and his blue can create charge tiles for Gambit red. Thor green passive just make Gambit acquire red ap faster. Gambit, well, is gambroke so he completes the trinity. 
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
    My apologies to DD - he was my first 5* champion and he´s still one of my favorites - but I´ve voted for Spidey.

    Peter hits like a truck and the unpredictable nature of his powers makes him really fun to play, especially when you´re building a team (Miles & Vulture) around Spidey to unleash his full potential. 
  • MCUinmyPants
    MCUinmyPants Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
    Gambit has 0 votes hahahahaha.. is no one having fun with him?
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
    Gambit has 0 votes hahahahaha.. is no one having fun with him?
    Gambit is actually really boring to use. He' just overpowered so we grit our teeth and bear it.
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
    If animations were still mandatory, Gambit would be negative fun.  His red is Moonstone levels of slow.