3 star heroes tier list?

edited November 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Is this the consensus?

God tier: Ragnarok
Pretty good tier: Spiderman, Widow
Average tier: Magneto, Doom, Hood, IM40
Meh tier: Loki


  • Bainee
    Bainee Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    This would be my list

    A tier: Ragnarok and Spiderman
    B tier: IM40
    C tier: Magneto and Widow
    D tier: Hood and Doom
    F tier: Loki

    Rag and Spiderman are characters that people build around and opponents may choose to skip when a high level is present.

    IM40 is good damage sponge and has high tile match damage as well as AP generation.

    Magneto and Widow are situational characters with decent skills, usually filling a 3rd slot in absence of a better option.

    Hood and Doom do not have a skill or role that stands out.

    Loki is flat out terrible.
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    Is this the consensus?

    God tier: Ragnarok
    Pretty good tier: Spiderman, Widow
    Average tier: Magneto, Doom, Hood, IM40
    Meh tier: Loki

    I would put Widow in Average at best. She has no defensive capabilities, because she will not reach 19 Green AP against a human player, and she has low HP. I suppose her attack is powerful if you get 19 Green AP, but there are a lot of characters you can seal a win with if you accumulate 19 AP of a certain color.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Bainee wrote:
    This would be my list

    A tier: Ragnarok and Spiderman
    B tier: IM40
    C tier: Magneto and Widow
    D tier: Hood and Doom
    F tier: Loki

    Agree with this list.
  • Do you keep your IM at 2 yellow? Mines at 3 with another yellow in my cache
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    Do you keep your IM at 2 yellow? Mines at 3 with another yellow in my cache

    Mine is currently at 2 yellow with a yellow cover waiting in the wings.

    I think eventually I'll move to 5/5/3...sometime after the Heroic event is done, probably. With boosts, it currently only takes one turn to trigger it...and it plays well into my strategy for the last Heroic repeatable. If nothing else, to just increase the 'scary' factor for the levels during PvP.
  • I like Hood for his colour selection and passive. Doom when boosted is scary. His attack tiles hit me 4k every turn. I agree with Bainee's list except merge C and D-Tier. No 3-star is bad IMO. Loki is the worst overall but can be a good counterpick character.

    Also, why did you not make a 2-star thread? Afraid of all the inevitable c.Storm rants?
  • Bainee
    Bainee Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    Do you keep your IM at 2 yellow? Mines at 3 with another yellow in my cache

    Mine is 5/5/3 and is lvl 141.
  • Bainee wrote:
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    Do you keep your IM at 2 yellow? Mines at 3 with another yellow in my cache

    Mine is 5/5/3 and is lvl 141.

    Wow, that's double my highest level character. Crazy.
  • bainee's list is good, maybe widow down a tier but everything else is accurate
  • AdamMagus
    AdamMagus Posts: 363 Mover and Shaker
    I also agree with Bainee's list, hell I would even add Marvel Now Thor to Tier B...
  • AdamMagus wrote:
    I also agree with Bainee's list, hell I would even add Marvel Now Thor to Tier B...

    I agree, thor is very good and widely available. He is as good if not better than most of those characters. I think his health could stand to be lower. If he had around 4k hp, that would seem about right for a 2 star. Granted, he would still be powerful, but easier to take down.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Agree with the Thor comment. He is shockingly powerful for his number of stars. I hadn't leveled mine up until this recent Thor tourney, and now realize what a bad idea that was (I was just so hopeful that Cap was going to pan out...)
  • AP cost has a lot do with how good the character is, best example being Ragnarok, but here is how I see it:

    Extremely Low 0-2 AP
    Low 3-6 AP
    Medium 7-9 AP
    Average 10-12 AP
    High 13-15 AP
    Very High 16-18 AP
    Extremely High: 19+ AP
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* Magneto doesn't get enough credit. His purple ability is capable of massive damage and if you use his blue defensive-tile placing skill offensively, and with a little creativity, you can chain 2-3 placements of it when it is level 4-5 and start popping crit tiles. And while he doesn't have the massive hit points of a Thor or Ragnarok, he's got enough.

    The Hood is one of the best support characters in the game for his color-generating abilities. His yellow twin pistols are expensive, I admit, but can be a life saver when you need to generate some tiles of color and can't afford to spend a turn matching (or when you simply don't have a match). They also obliterate any nasty countdown tiles of your enemy's placement. But that aside, The Hood's ability to absorb color from your enemy is where he really shines; in most of my battles my enemy never gets off one of their abilities because The Hood is leeching their color - which allows me to pull off more of my own abilities.

    Spider-Man can disable all three members of an opposing team for minimal AP, giving you a turn or more to string together some color for your attack dogs (not to mention his ability to keep them swimming in health). He's just as valuable as Thor or Ragnarok, if not more so, because he enables those guys to do their jobs so much better.

    Yes, characters like Ragnarok and Thor are the guys you funnel your offense through, but you're shooting yourself in the foot if you bring three characters like that into battle: they usually employ similar (if not the same) colors and everyone else has Thor too. The smart player employs guys like Spider-Man and The Hood to give their powerhouses the edge (and color) they need to take out entire opposing teams. In that respect, they are every bit as valuable.
  • Tech chars are great on offense, but usually not so scary when controlled by the ai. I think one exeption is spiderman. He's pretty freakin annoying even ai powered. But he needs to be a high lvl to have enough health to be really annoying.

    I think 2 star magneto, spiderman, thor would be unbeatable on offense but relatively lacking on defense.
    Like wise, grey suit widow is useless on defence except for maybe her pistols. Sh'll never get the chance to fire her snipe.

    I think classic magneto would be super cool if his red generated ap.
  • Shamusyeah wrote:
    Like wise, grey suit widow is useless on defence except for maybe her pistols. Sh'll never get the chance to fire her snipe.

    If I could get a red Ragnarok cover, it would be rather tempting to make a 0/5 Ragnarok to pair with grey suit Widow.
  • Misguided wrote:
    Shamusyeah wrote:
    Like wise, grey suit widow is useless on defence except for maybe her pistols. Sh'll never get the chance to fire her snipe.

    If I could get a red Ragnarok cover, it would be rather tempting to make a 0/5 Ragnarok to pair with grey suit Widow.

    Interesting thought. You'd probably need storm as your third to give you some cover. Obviously rag won't have too much hp, you may also require a 1xx grey widow so she's not so squishy.

    Though I guess the widow is supposed to me squishy...
    Wink wink nudge nudge.
  • Yeah, my widow is 2/3/3, hopefully 3/3/4 when the heroic ends, with 5/3/5 as the goal. Using Daken with those two could be fun. I wouldn't want to attack that group, personally.