Known Issue: "Eight is Enough" Points Not Contributing to Season Score

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
Hi Everyone,

There was recently an issue with the "Eight is Enough" Versus Tournament not contributing acquired points towards players' Season scores. This was occurring for matches played between 8:00am EST and 6:17pm EST on December 24th, and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

Due to this issue, we will be sending out a gift to players who played a versus match during that time, in order to make up for this points discrepancy. The gift will consist of 1 Heroic token and 1,500 Iso-8, and players should see this sent out later today.


  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks but what about the missed points? Were they applied after the fix? I'm trying to hold onto T5 for the PVP season.
  • tfcrazy1980
    tfcrazy1980 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    That 2* from the heroic token is just as good right?
  • TheZeusBear
    TheZeusBear Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    Got my rewards. Yondu from the heroic, I'm happy with this. 
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Thanks but what about the missed points? Were they applied after the fix? I'm trying to hold onto T5 for the PVP season.
    I'm afraid we aren't able to safely nor directly manipulate a player's event points
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Brigby are the devs going to fix the bug issue with Banner where when he was essential Banner was buffed but Hulk was not and made the opportunity to use banner to full effect a poor experience?  It would be nice to see him fixed and have another run with him
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    @wymtime I have already informed the developers that issue is still occurring, however if you would like to continue discussing that topic, please post in the Bugs & Technical Issues thread here: Hulk Rage (at not being boosted correctly)
  • Cactus_Jack_87
    Cactus_Jack_87 Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    Sorry for everyone that misses out on a 10 pack because of this issue. It's really messed up to work so hard for a whole season just to have it robbed from you.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    I know it’s nothing new, but a single heroic token and 1500 iso doesn’t replace the 1200 points (or more) for the season in rewards that was lost.

    Another opportunity to get it right lost.
  • jtmagee
    jtmagee Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    @Brigby hopefully you were not the only one they heard from about it. 
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    I know it’s nothing new, but a single heroic token and 1500 iso doesn’t replace the 1200 points (or more) for the season in rewards that was lost.

    Another opportunity to get it right lost.
    Yeah, it sucks if you're one of the 1% who might miss out on an (extra) 10-pack for placement. It's awesome if you're one of the 1% who managed to get an (extra) 10-pack for placement.

    If you end up missing out on a 10-pack for progression, you probably haven't been working that hard on PvP, but it still sucks.

    For the remaining 97% of players this is a nice little bonus. Not life changing by any means, but still, nice.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    I’m referring to season placements also.  The difference between t50 and t100 is much than a single token.  And much more significant the higher you go.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got a Blue Yondu cover from the Heroic Token. It was a nice surprise. Unfortunately, I just landed in 3* land. And I got another black cover Yondu which is going to expire in three days. Looks like I have to whistle him away for now. On the plus side, I get another 1500 iso and 40xp (if I level him before selling him away).

    The top players for the current season are unbelievable. I'm at 7000 points and the top three players are getting between 22-25k points and number 20 spot has about 16000 points. I wonder how they did that. I suppose they are clocking at least 10,000 points in Simulator and 1000-2000 points in each PvP.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    Got a Blue Yondu cover from the Heroic Token. It was a nice surprise. Unfortunately, I just landed in 3* land. And I got another black cover Yondu which is going to expire in three days. Looks like I have to whistle him away for now. On the plus side, I get another 1500 iso and 40xp (if I level him before selling him away).

    The top players for the current season are unbelievable. I'm at 7000 points and the top three players are getting between 22-25k points and number 20 spot has about 16000 points. I wonder how they did that. I suppose they are clocking at least 10,000 points in Simulator and 1000-2000 points in each PvP.
    Why sell Yondu? You know you can roster him without any problems right? If you already have champed 3*s you can keep as many 4/5*s as you like without levelling them. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just started playing for about 40 days and I have about 35 slots. It's full at the moment. I got two champed 3* at the moment. I could kick my 1 cover Lockjaw out after the current PvE is over. But I have quite a number of 3* cover that I got from top 5-10 placement waiting to be rostered. The next event requires 3* Blade which I have 2 covers sitting unrostered.

    The main challenge of new players: too many covers but limited slots. I do like his Blue and Yellow abilities though.
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Here's a tip for you as a new player. You probably have a couple of 1* characters, and you really only need one. If you have a lvl 40 Juggernaut you can sell the rest to make room for better characters.
  • The_A_Train
    The_A_Train Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    Sorry for everyone that misses out on a 10 pack because of this issue. It's really messed up to work so hard for a whole season just to have it robbed from you.
    A bit of sensationalism never hurt anyone. In other news, a recent study links the abysmal odds of winning the lottery to thousands of foreclosures across the globe. 
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    @Brigby, this doesn’t affect me as I didn’t play PVP in that window, but I can see how people who played a lot during that window would be upset.  Instead of a flat reward for anyone affected, could it scale based on matches won or something?  Someone who played 20+ matches should be compensated more than someone that played 1.
  • The_A_Train
    The_A_Train Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    OJSP said:
    Sorry for everyone that misses out on a 10 pack because of this issue. It's really messed up to work so hard for a whole season just to have it robbed from you.
    A bit of sensationalism never hurt anyone.
    Why is it a sensationalism? There are several scenarios where players could miss out on a 10 pack (or an additional one) if they didn’t get any points during that event and was unable to play for the rest of it or ended up scoring less because they didn’t gain any points during their shield hops. For example, if they scored 100 pts less than they could’ve in that event, they could:
    1. get slightly less than 4000 pts and miss out on the season progression
    2. be ranked 51st for the season by a small margin
    3. ranked 26th instead of 25th
    4. ranked 11th instead of 10th
    5. ranked 6th instead of 5th
    6. ranked 2nd instead of 1st

    In fact if front runners had to hop several times during that time window and didn’t gain any points, they could be losing up to 300-500 pts depending on the slice they were playing at.

    If they are really competitive and played hard for the whole season, then it probably won’t make much of a difference. But, I imagine there would be some players who could be affected. If we add up the number of players from different brackets and different CLs, the numbers could be higher than you think.
    It's sensationalism because it's an emotionally charged comment that's meant to draw attention and paints what "could be" as a fact, even though we have very few factual details. 

    In all likelihood, this didn't prevent a large group of individuals from receiving a 10-pack, but debating this is a moot point as anything we could come up with would be conjecture. 
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    “In all likelihood, this didn't prevent a large group of individuals from receiving a 10-pack”

    Thats just as much conjecture as anything else said.  Even if it impacted one person, the compensation being offered falls short of what was lost.  We won’t know the results until season ends but we can say that the problem was wide-reaching enough that they decided to offer compensation.  They’re quite stingy with giving any kind or compensation so the fact we got anything is more of an indicator than otherwise.
  • The_A_Train
    The_A_Train Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    “In all likelihood, this didn't prevent a large group of individuals from receiving a 10-pack”

    Thats just as much conjecture as anything else said.  Even if it impacted one person, the compensation being offered falls short of what was lost.  We won’t know the results until season ends but we can say that the problem was wide-reaching enough that they decided to offer compensation.  They’re quite stingy with giving any kind or compensation so the fact we got anything is more of an indicator than otherwise.
    You're right, my comment was purely conjecture. I agree with what you're saying about it possibly being far reaching and all, but there's too little info to go off of right now. For all we know their compensation could be somewhat fair, but we won't really know until they release the numbers for the affected time span. 

    I think (more conjecture incoming :smile: ) it's more likely that players who received the comp will step forward and tell d3/demi how their screw up cost them xyz and the comp was insulting. I'll join in the empathy posts if that does happen.

    OJSP said:
    It's sensationalism because it's an emotionally charged comment that's meant to draw attention and paints what "could be" as a fact, even though we have very few factual details. 
    Well, I just read it as a comment that was trying to show empathy to the previous posts. I can see now why you see it that way too. 

    I re-read the comment and I see how you see it the way you do. I was really just being a smartass by pointing it out, but I assumed the commenters intent, making me just as guilty. 

    Damn the internet and damn logic...