Searching for one more member to complete alliance

edited May 2014 in MPQ Alliances
Our alliance is currently looking for competitive members who can contribute to our success. Ideally, we are looking for someone who plays every day (or as close to it as possible), consistently scores at least 600 on PvP and has at least 6K points in Season 1 so far. We are competitive, but not cutthroat. We won't randomly boot members without reason. If you're interested, please send me a PM. Please have screenshots of your roster ready. Thank you!


  • Unknown
    I'm interested. Average around 800+ points per PVP, usually finish top 10 so wherever it lands me. 6000 pts on season 1

    Current Roster
    lvl 141 Punisher 3/5/5
    lvl 115 Doom 5/5
    lvl 110 Magneto Classic 4/4/3
    85 OBW 3/5/5
    85 Classic Storm 5/5/3
    85 Thor Marvel Now 5/5/3
    85 Wolvie (astonishing) 5/5/3
    69 Daken 5/5
    63 Hulk 5/1/1
    53 Ares 4/4/5
    50 IM35 5/5/3
    48 GSBW 5/3/2
    45 Mags MN 3/5/5
    34 X-force 1/1/1
    33 Venom 5/5

    Low levels
    IW 0/2/0
    Cap America 3/5/5
    Falcon 0/2/0
    Hawkeye Mod 5/5/3
    Hood 2/0/3
    Patch 1/2/2
    BP 1/2
    HT 1/0/2
    IM 40 3/1/0
    Loki 3/3
    Lazy Thor 0/2/4
    Rags 2/3
    Spidey 0/0/2
    Psylocke 1/1/1
    Lazy Cap 0/0/1
    Moonstone 5/5/3
    Bulls 5/5