Question about 5 land PvP

Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
Hi all and merry xmas. I am on 4 land and ready to have my first 5 champion. Would like to know if having just one 5 champion, my pvp experience will be just seeing just 5's. Most likely my second 5 champion will be ready in about 2 or 3 months. Better champion one now, or wait until I have more?. Open to suggestions because all this will be new for me, thks in advance.


  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    I can't give you an exact timeline on this but I've been playing with one 5* champion for quite awhile. I took Starlord to 451 when that cosmic store happened. You'll pretty much have to use your 5* every match, unless your 4*s are very strong. Mine topped out around 290, with most being 280 or lower. So, even with 4*s boosted, I pretty much have to use Starlord.

    Its very hard at first. The matches are longer, no doubt. But if you can quickly adapt, you don't notice it after a few PvP as much. Give it a season and you don't even think about it any more really because its the new normal. You've probably figured out the nuances (the easy ones!) of 5* PvP and you're doing well. At that point, you can look back and realize you made a good decision. 

    I'm assuming dual 5* champions changes things yet again in its own ways so then you'll get to take that adventure. But for now, I would definitely recommend champing your first 5*.

    Good luck!
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    One 5 champ is fine.  Mine is Spidey. You see a mix of:  leveled 5’s, one champ 5+ a 4 or 5, two 4’s.  I might see 2 champ 5’s near 900, but still can skip and fight single champ 5 teams.

    2+ champ 5’s, one must be Gambit or just settle for 575 max from now on.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Don’t do it - for the love of God don’t. I was so impulsive, I got my 13th cover for Star Lord and got a bonus Phoenix (also 13th cover).  OML came about a month later but with them 3 my PvP experience is now utter misery. If you have a champ 5* and it’s not Gambit....tantamount to purgatory.
    From my experience, Gambit makes no difference in PvP if you only have one 5* champ. There are plenty of people out there that don't have a champion Gambit. I see lots of OML, Phoenix, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Thanos. Actually, I see all the 5* characters but those seem to be the ones I see the most. 

    Maybe that changes with dual 5* champions as those rosters are typically much more developed and can seemingly all throw a Gambit at you. I'm not there, so I can't speak on that.
  • roberts_2
    roberts_2 Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    I suggest to wait. With 2 5*champs you'll be placed against roster with multi 5*champs even if you don't use them and your 4*champed are useless plenty of time because MMR is totally broken.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2017
    Same thought process applies for me - if you absolutely love that particular 5* and won’t mind having no choice but to use them every pvp match, go for it.

    if you prefer to have varierty, wait until you can at least have a trio to choose from.

    And as others have said, if it’s not Gambit as your first 5, it will not be an enjoyable experience.
  • Pollozz
    Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    Thks for your replies. From your suggestions, having one 5 champion is kind of safe because I will be playing mostly against similar rosters, two or more 5 champion will be chaos. 
  • Spidurman27
    Spidurman27 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    5* MMR is just different.  If you champ quality, you'll be fine.  

    It's definitely more active overall - floating is more difficult than in 4* land, but climbing and especially hopping are easier/faster.

    When I was single 5* (September-November this year), my MMR tended to be single 5s and big 4* teams.  Both of which were largely beatable.  The downside was that double 5* could often see me later in events as I climbed, so I had to be careful.  As a double 5*, you'll mainly be fighting other double 5* or single 5*.  Most of these fights are winnable if you select with any degree of common sense.  

    It's nothing to be afraid of - just a different gaming experience.   And also, PVE becomes so much easier in general, especially when you have a boosted 5* champ.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pollozz said:
    Thks for your replies. From your suggestions, having one 5 champion is kind of safe because I will be playing mostly against similar rosters, two or more 5 champion will be chaos. 
    I would also say this it will depend on who your 5* is.  I didn’t see in your post who that is going to be.  If your 1 5* is going to be Thanos, or gambit Thor go for it thry will be great for PVP.  If it is banner for example I would definatly hold off.  Knowing which 5* you ar thinking about championing will help as well.  In PVE they will be great with match damage in PVP you really want the right 5*.  You will fave a lot of Thanos and latest legendaries as the 1 5* so think about how your 5* will match up against them.
  • Pollozz
    Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    wymtime / Gambit will be my first 5 champion, followed by Thor in a month or two
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pollozz said:
    wymtime / Gambit will be my first 5 champion, followed by Thor in a month or two
    Don't bother with Thor, run Gambit with a 4 forevermore.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not in 5 land, but I suspect if you don't have a champ Gambit you're digging your own grave.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    That sounds so boring, I use different 4* every week with the boosted character. I can’t imagine playing the same 2 guys week after week. 

  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    Wonko33 said:
    That sounds so boring, I use different 4* every week with the boosted character. I can’t imagine playing the same 2 guys week after week. 

    That’s the danger of jumping into 5* land - if you want to reasonably compete, you have to run your 5s.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wonko33 said:
    That sounds so boring, I use different 4* every week with the boosted character. I can’t imagine playing the same 2 guys week after week. 

    That’s the danger of jumping into 5* land - if you want to reasonably compete, you have to run your 5s.
    In PVE, it’s hard to not run 5’s for match damage alone.  In PVP, you usually need your 5 to defeat the teams MMR gives you.  But it’s still a lot of fun. 
  • Kjeldbjerg
    Kjeldbjerg Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    I have oml champed as my only 5. I almost never use him in pvp, except when I need to save on hp. I face mostly 2x champed 4's or undercovered 5's and hit 900 easy with 2 boosted 4's and no shields.

    Imo, champing 1 5* wont change your mmr if you're already a 4* player, and you wont be forced to use your 5* all the time.
  • j0nats
    j0nats Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    honestly 4s are still useful on 5 star land.  u can use them in early climbin so 5 star teams cant q u.  they also have a lot of useful synergies in pve tjat your single or double 5 doesnt have.    

    my first 5 was surfer and was still able to hit 1200 during the panthos meta

    as long as your 5 isnt ock or banner, i say go for it and take the leap.
  • Pollozz
    Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    thks all for your suggestions, I will take the leap!!!!!
  • Sandmaker
    Sandmaker Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    I'll be the dissenting voice and say you might want to consider the possibility that Gambit might get nerfed again. At which point it'll be a toss up. He could still be fine or he could become banner 2.0.  
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wonko33 said:
    That sounds so boring, I use different 4* every week with the boosted character. I can’t imagine playing the same 2 guys week after week. 

    Honestly, this is a future I find myself facing.
    I champed Thanos a week or so ago and found I absolutely needed a second 5* and just so happened to get a 14th Daredevil cover, so I'm working on him.

    But then I have Nico I could get to level 209 and America Chavex just came out and....I find myself less interested. I could champ them but...I don't know if I'd ever use them. If I want to compete in any kind of PvP I need to use my 5*s.

    5* land seems awful so far. It's not like going from 3* to 4*, really. At least with that you have a selection of 4*s to use when they're boosted. The devs likely daren't boost 5*s up too much in case they steamroll everyone, since they're already stupid powerful. So you use the two most powerful 5*s you have exclusively because otherwise your 4*s aren't going to cut it against the 5*s you're going to forever be matched up against.