Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#122: The All Pie Hour

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker

* Ian asks and recieves, Steam Winter Sale 90% off. 
* somebody new? 


  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    - SHAMEFUL show title
    - Ian inviting emails? What a country!
    - you guys are only 27 episodes away from tying Ian's other podcast
    - That Peggy fight was WAY tougher than Wasp had any right to be
    - the Devs skipped Flaptain 'on purpose' replacing it with 'fan favorite' Carol, but never rescheduled Flappy
    - the seven day PVE events more recently have given that crazy amounts of 3 and 4 star covers, it just hasn't happened this close to the release of new character
    - related/unrelated, Craig, did you read marvel Two-In-One #1 last week?
    - It's been so long since I had enough covers for the new required four star in SHIELD training, I plumb forgot you get a cover for the newest four star!
    - Ray is always strangely quite during THAT SEGMENT!
    - I'm certainly craving more information about that new four star
    - shocked you didn't mention the five star Hulk glitch in PVE where Banner was boosted but Hulk was not
    - Any week when one of the four star Guardians are boosted is a good week for me
    - And Coulson boosted along side five star Daredevil in PVE? Delightful!
    - My reward of the week was said green 'Murica from the SHIELD training. No Bag-Men this week
    - My vine is assorted two stars, waiting to feed the system, nothing exciting
    - thanks for the plug, Craig, BUY THE SHIRT! http://longboxheroes.com/store/
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --Minus 100 points for that lame episode title. #ResistPies
    --It shouldn't surprise anybody that Craig didn't like The Last Jedi. A good rule of thumb is that if he hates something then it's terrific and if he likes something then it's terrible. I've now seen it three times. My biggest complaint actually IS the music. It's like a "greatest hits" of all the previous films but if there was an original theme in the movie then I haven't caught it yet.
    --Thank you for your generosity during the PW3 PSA, Ian. It's not an offer that interests me specifically but I hope many others benefitted from it.
    --I never complain about S.H.I.E.L.D. Training. Can I complete it? No. Do I earn some rewards? Yes, and for that I'm grateful.
    --Huh. I max-Champion'd 3-star Cyclops this morning. I didn't even realize that he was that close.
    --Could the new 4-star be Loki? Those abilities sound like things he would do.
    --Gertie doesn't travel through time; her parents did. And Old Lace isn't a dumb dinosaur.
    --Ray is usually right. I learned that over 100 episodes ago.
    --I'm down two characters now. I don't have Archangel or America Chavez as I type this. By the time you record, I'll have earned America through PVE progression.
    --Daredevil's red stinks. It counts on a) being placed someplace where it can be matched (very rare) and not being overridden by another special tile (very common). I just gave up on using it a long time ago.
    --Kind of off topic, but remember that Lockjaw introduced Crystal and Karnak to the game? I wonder when we'll see them as actual, playable characters.
    --Reward of the week: my first black for 5-star Thanos.
    --I also Champion'd Spider-Gwen this week--right after the event where she was boosted ended.
    --Dying on the vine: I have a green Rogue that expires Saturday morning. I'll have the ISO by then but what I need is a red cover because she's 5/2/5. Instead of spending 120CP on the missing cover, I bought Classic Legends hoping for what I needed. So much for THAT plan.
    --Happy New Year, Puzzle Warriors.
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Gleðilegt nýtt ár
    (happy new year in Icelandic)
    gentlemen.  With the new year, I thought it would be interesting if you would share your mpq 
    highlights of 2017, as well as what your MPQ new year's resolutions for 2018 are.  
    PS: Ray, join the dark side and finish Gambit soon.  We have cookies over here.
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    I got a mention in this weeks show! I'm officially obscure podcast internet famous! :)

    and for the record I have no idea who this 'unknown' character will be