Who to champ next



  • Qubort
    Qubort Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    jredd said:
    This is my top 15:

    1. Captain Marvel
    2. Vulture
    3. Iceman
    4. Peggy Carter
    5. Medusa 
    6. Rocket & Groot
    7. Red Hulk
    8. Rogue
    9. Blade
    10. Cloak & Dagger
    11. Riri Williams
    12. Cyclops
    13. Gamora
    14. Nova
    15. Jean Grey
    So I agree with whoever said Cloak and Dagger next up after Carol. 
    r&g in the top 10?  hmmm. aside from making a whack of strike tiles off the jump he seems rather useless, no?

    Pair him with Thanos and you can end a lot of matches in less than 5 turns. Add Gamora to the mix and your odds of Deadliest Woman going off greatly increased.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017
    Qubort said:
    This is my top 15:

    1. Captain Marvel
    2. Vulture
    3. Iceman
    4. Peggy Carter
    5. Medusa 
    6. Rocket & Groot
    7. Red Hulk
    8. Rogue
    9. Blade
    10. Cloak & Dagger
    11. Riri Williams
    12. Cyclops
    13. Gamora
    14. Nova
    15. Jean Grey
    So I agree with whoever said Cloak and Dagger next up after Carol. 

    Gamora is highly underranked. The fact she can stun lock an entire team with relative low AP and one hit ANYTHING makes her much more valuable than most. Top 5 easily.
    How does she stun an entire team?  I’m not familiar with this power. I mean her stun is good and cheap. But that’s not enough to put her in the top 5. Not even close. At most I’d put her above Cyclops. Everyone else is head and shoulders above her and it’s not even close. 

    (That’s like putting 3* Spider-Man over Strange, Thanos, IM40, Iron Fist, Switch, Kamala, Cyclops, Magneto, etc.)
    STERLING21JJ Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    Correct answer is determined by what's on the vine. OP should probably be hoarding while he catches up on champing. If nothing is on the vine, open tokens until a champing direction is revealed, then hoard while champing. Repeat as necessary.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards
    Correct answer is determined by what's on the vine. OP should probably be hoarding while he catches up on champing. If nothing is on the vine, open tokens until a champing direction is revealed, then hoard while champing. Repeat as necessary.
    Agree unless the character can transcend your game. Carol (Swiss army knife), Vulture (battery), Medusa (against tile spam) and Grocket (faster trivial clears) are the ones that I believe can and should be Champed even without a dying cover as they greatly improve quality of life even unboosted. 
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus said:
    Who voted Lockjaw?
    He's the only true poop tier.
    And yet I can't stop getting covers for him. He's a higher level for me than Peggy Carter. He's higher than Kingpin. He's higher than my freakin Hulkbuster and he's tied with X-Force Wolvie.