Player History

Adam12 Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
I think it would be cool if I was able to look at a history of the events I'd competed in, with my final ranking, score, dates the tournament ran, wins and losses, and whatever other cool stats might be fun to look at. Something like what is happening now where we can see Season 1 results after the tournament is over, only logged for longer than a day or two and no longer in the row of events, but in its own tab like alliance info.

Something like (for the sake of example):
Doctor's Orders
Rank: 48
Score: 427
Record: 20 wins, 2 losses, 4 defeats, 2 successful defends
Prizes won: Falcon Purple, 1000 iso, 50 HP
Most played characters: Doctor Doom, Thor, Black Widow

And just let these records be saved going back to when this is implemented. Obviously, no one would expect it to be retroactive. I just think it'd be cool to look at.