Westvale Abbey Transform Bug w/ Direct Damage

HomeRn Posts: 330 Mover and Shaker
Here's an interesting one that I found regarding Westvale Abbey and using spells that do damage directly to creatures.  Should Westvale Abby survive after taking enough direct damage through spells (NOT damage taken through the destruction of friendly humans!), and it transforms into Ormendahl, Ormendahl will have extra toughness based on how much damage Westvale Abbey took from spells and abilities.  However the extra toughness caps out at +25, which is the threshold to make Westvale Abbey transform.

Cards and abilities that provide -x/-x do not affect this transformation bug, only damage.  It should also be noted that this doesn't happen regarding other cards that transform (tested this with Thing in the Ice, bug does not affect it or any werewolves as far as I am aware).

I also am looking to see if this also happens with creatures doing damage through Berserker.

Tested using the following cards and PWs:

Westvale Abbey
Deem Worthy
Sweltering Suns
Serpentine Spike
Ajani's (Red/White) Second Ability