Swap Champion Cover Rewards For Family Tokens Farming

For all of the older players, 2 star characters are only there to flip.  Other than the random covers from heroic tokens, we're building the same 13 3-stars, which lead into 13 4-stars.  That's nice, but I rather have an opportunity to reliably build all of my 3 stars and all of my 4-stars.  To that end, I'd like the guaranteed covers rewards replaced with Family tokens that are limited to the star tier above the champion and only contain characters within that family. So a 2 star Wolverine would reward 3-star X-men tokens instead of the Patch covers, which would have a random cover from any X-men character in the 3-star tier.  A Patch champion would reward 4-star X-men tokens which only contain 4-star X-men.  Eventually this could apply to the 4* rewards, but those just started giving 5* characters and I don't think there are many 4* farmers out there anyway.

This change would require a few more 2-stars added to the game, since about half of the current families aren't currently available at that tier.  It would also require some decisions as far as which token a character with multiple families would drop (two star Captain America is a member of the Heroes, Avengers, Agents of SHIELD, and Team Cap).

I'd argue that Heroes is a useless family.  You'd have over half of the heroic token in each tier if you made that a family.  Villains has Thanos. I'm not sure if there are others who don't have a second family, but if so, I guess it would be a necessary cover.  I'd prefer smaller families, like 5-8 characters per tier, but some will be large. Team Cap and Team Iron Man are probably completely covered through other families already, so unless you want Cap and Iron Man to reward those tokens specifically, there's no need to add tokens for those two families. 

The rest of the families could be filled out in 2* land with new 2*/4* clones like the 3/5 clones. Except there's no need for a release event for the 2* version, just drop them into the token packs when the character becomes available. Or just clone old 3 and 4 stars, make them weaker, and roll them out as 2*s during the off-weeks.  Nobody interested in farming is going to be interested in the 2* characters' power, so balance shouldn't be much of an issue.  I think this would help speed up the 3 star champion process, since you'd receive a constant stream of everyone instead of a ton of covers for the 13 rewards characters. And it would help bridge some of the gaps in the 3-4 transition since the 4 star tier is now the largest overall tier and is growing the quickest. Plus, maybe we get 2* clones of Gramoradusa and that would be a quick Deadpool's Daily team.


  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    I really like the concept, but not sure anybody is looking forward to buying extra roster spots for new 2*s..
    Also if the groups form a problem, just make a store with all next level toons? Also could scratch the heroic tokens from champ rewards and replace them with these tokens.

    (and as busy rearranging tokens, upgrade the standard tokens still given in cl9 pve.. they are the highest joke of all...)  
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe they could dust off the 2* Teen Cyclops they were working on to get a member of the Champions in the game?