Receiving "favorites"...

Midnitelouie Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
OK, so over the last two days, I've gotten the "favorites" percentages to proc...

However, the two hero covers that I've received? Aren't in my list of covers that I've favorited. (Is that even a word?) Is there a point in checking the little heart, when I'm not getting one of the hearts I've checked?


  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm going to assume you selected two 4* characters as bonus heroes and are wondering why you keep getting random 3*s?

    The way it works is if you pull a 3* from a non-vault token and you get a bonus hero, you'll get a bonus 3* hero. If you haven't selected at least one 3* as a bonus hero, you'll get a random 3* instead.

    Same deal for 4*, if you get a bonus hero it'll only be a 4*. Same with 5*s only giving bonus 5*s.

    So...sorry dude, you can't get that bonus 5* gambit from a 3* token pull =(
  • Huntah86
    Huntah86 Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    Yep, its all based on the star level. If you get a BH for a 3* but dont have any 3* marked as BH then you get a random cover. Sounds like whats happening here.
  • JMccovery
    JMccovery Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Just the other day when I opened a LT (5* Spider Man), I got 5* Thor as a bonus cover, though I don't have any 5*s favorited.

    Really weird.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    If you don’t have a toon favorited within the same tier, you will receive a random one.
  • JMccovery
    JMccovery Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    If you don’t have a toon favorited within the same tier, you will receive a random one.
    Didn't know that. Thanks!
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    edited December 2017
    In addition, if you get a 3-Star character from a Standard token, you are guaranteed to receive a Bonus Hero! :)