Did I screw up my matchmaking?

bawnslippy Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
Hi guys,

I'm returning to this game after a year or so out, and finding that the matchmaking seems ludicrously unfair.

As an example, I am being matched against:

5* Thanos, lvl 550
5* Black Panther, lvl 550

My roster is a little mixed

5* Dare Devil, 3 covers at lvl 300 (I'd leveled this one up for a PVE event)
5* silver surfer, 1 cover lvl 255
5* spider man, 1 cover lvl 255
4* Wolverine, 12 covers, lvl 250
8  x 4* characters with one or two covers, basically useless
12 x 3* characters champed, at a max lvl of 177
15 x 3* characters with 3 - 12 covers
7 x 2* characters champed
I'm rank 32 if that makes a difference, CL 7 is my max

So basically I'm at 3* land trying to get into 4* with one very old 4*, but being matched against 5* teams. I can't compete, even on progression rewards, in PVP mode.

I heard having a 5* cover puts you into a different bracket, so I kinda regret opening them up. Should I bite the bullet and sell my 5*s?

Any help would be appreciated!


  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Very unlikely that you are naturally Qing a 550 roster, as those are hidden most of the game to even level 500 rosters until there are very few out around the same point level. 
    What is much more likely is that you are describing a red node after getting sealbashed for early climbing points by said 550 roster. Would that be more correct?
  • bawnslippy
    bawnslippy Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    My usual team is the event character, 3* magneto, x force wolverine or IM40. 

    I skipped the match up and am being set up against lvl 300+ match ups, 3/4/5 star characters which I'm really struggling against. 
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,624 Chairperson of the Boards
    If your highest level character is only 300, you should be able to skip to someone closer to your strength. My highest level characters are soft capped at 370 and the only times I see unfair matchups are when I play so much early that I'm hundreds of points ahead of everyone.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    I have a high level roster with basically all 5s champed and cannot q 550s with any sort of consistency.  Your mmr should be fine.
  • Huntah86
    Huntah86 Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    You arent queing lvl 550 5* normally, as somebody else said you its probably retaliation nodes. Ive been in your situation before, I was half way through the 3* phase (just starting champing them) when I pulled my first OML and a short time later pulled a BSSM and made the mistake of leveling both to 270 and PVP was miserable for a while. Youll get through it though and after getting into 4* land everything was fine.
  • bawnslippy
    bawnslippy Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Should I just sell them off because I'm clearly not in the right tiers. I'm still trying to complete my 3* collection and get another decent 4* to use 
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    No, do not sell them.  They might be hurting your PVP MMR a Little right now, but that will go away as you level up more 3’s and 4’s, and you’ll want the 5’s to for the essentials in SL7+ PVE soon enough.
  • evade420
    evade420 Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    Don't level undercovered 5*s , it's never worth it . Once you consistently have champed boosted 4* characters every week it wontvaffdct you MMR as much. But stop putting iso intk the 5s if you plan on playing pvp
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm going to advocate that it might be worth considering selling those 5*.  At 3 covers, unless you plan to whale him soon, Daredevil will not be close enough to full coverage to ever get him fully covered, and the rest are already in classic legends.  You will never cover them, so the only reason to keep them around is to have them for 5* essential nodes in CL 7-9.  If they're making your life miserable right now, I say sell them.  Your MMR will ease up a bit.  If you do that, though, hoard your CP and Legendary tokens until you're ready to handle what you currently are, and then spend them all at once trying to max-cover the three latest 5*.  The moment you roster another 5* you'll be right back where you are now.

    That will mean you'll be putting 4* progression on delay, as well, as the only ones you'll be getting are progression rewards (CL7+) and random pulls from heroics.  But if you're currently trying to complete the 3* tier, I think you'll get more resources in PvP if the 5* go away.