3-star Gambit

Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
Gambit arriving on Marvel Puzzle Quest was a big deal. Him and Rogue were missing for a long time and the development team generated a lot of excitement with their releases. They were both fun, had new and effective mechanics, and they breathed some fresh mutant air into the game. But it quickly became clear that there was a problem with Gambit's free AP generation - it was too much. If a character's best build is fully ignoring two of his colors, said character is broken. I am glad you recognized this and moved to correct the mistake.

But in correcting one mistake, you've made another. This is a mistake that has been made many times in the past: in nerfing an overpowered character, you've beat him so hard that the character is now completely undesirable. It's happened with Wolverine, it's happened with Spider-Man... I probably wouldn't be writing this if it had happened to Squirrel Girl or some other 3rd-rate character, but this is Gambit - a fan favorite. You've completely spoiled what was an exciting time having Gambit in your game by souring him to the point that he leaves a bad taste in player's mouths.

This is very unfortunate and it makes me wonder why the 5-star version wasn't similarly treated. Are the conspiracy theorists  in General Discussion correct by saying this 're-balance' differed because of the fear of angering a certain high-level segment of your player base?

I urge you to re-evaluate 3-star Gambit and find something halfway between what he was, and what he is.


  • AlwaysWrong
    AlwaysWrong Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Agreed. He's now been moved to my never use unless required pile. All the black power needs to be is like the 5* but without the ap destruction. So, low ap gain and blocking other team power regardless. Even keep it active at 5 black and take away all the damage part and just create red and purple tiles, maybe only charged at 5 covers, keep the teammate block. Boom. Done. Useful again. 
  • 0_efx_0
    0_efx_0 Posts: 236 Tile Toppler
    I conquer, 3* Gambit was favorited so I can level him quickly to 266 and only got him to 198; I no longer would use him and hate that I put on so much focus on a good character(which I did not exploit at 0/0/5) that now is utterly pointless to use. Hope they can redo what they redid so I can reuse and value him again.