Beating the Dead Gambit

AugyTek Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
edited December 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Hey what in the world D3?  I finally had a 5* that was of decent use and then you go and make him pointless?  I was using 0/0/1 and finally able to take out some repetitive grinding efficiently doing the stupid scenarios over and over again like some hampster in a spinning wheel, and then you go and lock up the axles on the wheel? 


I could give two piles of bag spider man less about who thinks Gambit was an OP battery in PVP.  PVP is about pitting your wits and cards against each other, and has nothing to do with the rest of the game.  The best of the best stay on top, and they can rule alone while the rest of us play PvE and they can be utterly bored with their victory.  If a card happens to come along where their lvl 9 million cracked out 5*'s cause them to do a little more than make 5 or 6 matches to win, oh well, guess that's a little effort they have to put in.

Change Gambit back, and ignore the frustrated PVP players.

I still play the bulk of the game.  I know lots of other players do.  If someone is still playing the other 80% of your content and you listen only to the overachievers and bloated whales about PVP nonsense which is less than 20% of the rest of your content, what exactly do you think is going to happen to your game?  (See Everquest, WoW, and any other game that listened to the high end players primarily in the last 10 years)  
You are catering to the wrong crowd.  Once your megawhales stop buying stuff for PVP, you are screwed because you pissed off the majority of players already who weren't pvping.  

Not everyone has maxed characters, and not everyone wants to PVP.  That's what is nice about this game, you get a choice.  But when you give something out that's beneficial and then take it away because of one aspect of the game, you wind up doing more damage than as if you left it alone.

So who can pair with gambit's abilities now?  Anyone?  Or is he just a self contained loner unit that hoards his generated AP for himself?  In that case why in the hell is he even on a team at all?  Just delete the character and be done with it.  Let rogue cry.

Way to go D3, you are definitely off my Xmas list.

P.S.  Think up an event for new 5*'s that last AS LONG as the 5* is offered instead of only for 3 days.  Sheild training.. great no prob.  But um... even a mid level player would have a rough time with those.  Then correct me if I am wrong but you only get the new 5* cover if you already have the 5* character?  What effing sense does that make?

//Removed Profanity and Inappropriate Content -Brigby


  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Is this a parody?
  • AugyTek
    AugyTek Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    In a manner of speaking yes, but I don't see why power uses are restricted with 1 black cover.  He was great for grinding through the swarms of repetitive event stages just to get points, and get to rewards that actually matter.

    A very useful tool to have for journeying from 3 star to 4 star range player and beyond via events.  But now I suppose we will never know, and it's back to Thanos death blows and spam healing.

  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2017

    But you get a like for "frustrated PVP players"

    //Removed Inappropriate Content -Brigby
  • AugyTek
    AugyTek Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Hehe.  I find most newer PVPers qualify as that, and usually old old vets from time to time.  War is hell.  Once you accept that it gets easier.
  • AugyTek
    AugyTek Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    I call Poe. If it's serious it's so loaded with (un?)intentional ironies who could ever tell?

    The same complaint would apply to both Gambits, so, and the problems with champed 5bit aren't about him being a battery, so ... *shrug*
    Right.  It's a bit of both to prove the point.  There really wasn't anything right or wrong with Gambit.  I remember when people thought 3* Captain America was OP.  Turns out, he wasn't.  You can't change one aspect of a character's abilities without considering what that does to the character and play at all levels/powers.  

    Gambit is probably a nightmare at the higher levels and might have needed a bit of damage balancing.  I have fought a 0/0/5 Gambit 5* and Champ Nova combo and that was even stupifying.  I can only imagine what sort of other combinations out there have.

    But at 0/0/1, well it's really not good for anything but grinding and maybe building some powers a few turns faster than you normally would.  Quite useful for PVE.

    But now that I can't use anyone with red and purple powers with Gambit, it makes 0/0/Anything 5* gambit totally useless.  Even 5* Black spiderman with 1 blue power is "useful" in the correct situation.

    I don't use 3* gambit, so I assume that it's just a lesser version of 5* like doc strange and Thanos?

    I don't mind some changes being made, but when you get a nifty grinding tool that helps speed up the process of advancing your team and collection, only to be taken away due to high level naysayers griping about it to the powers that be, it makes you feel kind of irrelevant and wonder why you even bother playing the game in the first place as seems as if you will never get out of the 3star champ rut.
  • JaGo
    JaGo Posts: 95 Match Maker
    Very displeased with 3bits change to black from passive to active! Honestly, it was definitely broken before, but now is pretty useless. @Brigby please ask the devs very very nicely to change 3bits black back to a passive , lower the AP gen and don't let allies fire puple or red even if 3bit doesn't have red or purple covers. That would make 3bit actually useful and not just another character that uses up a slot on my roster never to be selected again outside of required nodes. As the devs stated he is one of the most requested characters but the change to 3bit's black means the many players just won't use him which is a travesty!

  • IceyOne
    IceyOne Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    I knew it was inevitable that his black would be changed and I was fine with them giving him a new skill or adjusting the old one. This new black skill doesn't make much sense to me. It creates 2 charged tiles,something his red already does. I mean, fine, keep the 2 charged tiles always active upping his damage, cool, but the part that bothers me is that he hurts his teammates too. Personality-wise, yes, Gambit is a thrill seeking wreckless character, but he wouldn't knowingly endanger his friends or even innocent people. He prides himself on his accuracy and precision in a fight. I've even read comics where cops were chasing him and he doubled back to save one of those cops from harm. I'm hoping they alter it a bit and also come up with a unique animation for it instead of it just being his profile pic.