7PM Story Bracket

So here's the thing- there are no good story bracket times for the CST in the US.

2AM - Lol. Asleep
6AM- I'm still asleep, and I won't get up at 5 to play 2 hours of a phone game before even starting to get ready to leave for work.
10AM- I'm at work
1PM - I'm at work
4PM - I'm at work
10PM - I should be going to bed for the next day.

Why is the biggest chunk of time in the day where there is no story rollover *exactly* centered on a part of the day where the biggest chunk of the USA (i.e. everything other than the East and West coast) are reaching a point where they might have leisure time?

Give me something in there. 7PM would probably be perfect, but I'd take 6, or 8, or 9.

I can't possibly be the only person that wants to be competitive in Story placement without sacrificing sleep or my job performance.


  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Preaching to the choir man.  I have the same problem in EST.  Though I could probably make 10pm work for me if it were available, but 11pm no way.
  • atmosvere
    atmosvere Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    I agree whole-heartedly on all.  In fact, I recently posted a similar discussion on this topic (https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/69142/pve-event-start-end-times#latest).  I would like to see a new or adjusted time slot that caters more towards the east coast.  However, there could be another way.

    Consider when joining an event, you select the slice (time slot) you want to enter.  Normally, it enters you directly into that slice. What if after selecting that slice, another selection box pops with 4 or 5 hours neighboring  the standard start/end time for that slice?  You select one hour, and that becomes YOUR start/end time within that slice.  This would maintain the current overall structure, and would make the game more compatible with everyone's lifestyles.  I have to admit, it would make pve events a lot more competitive, so top rewards would be a lot harder to get.

  • Dyspeptic
    Dyspeptic Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Mountain time. Would love to see more start times, or at least evenly spaced.
  • gottahandittocoulson
    gottahandittocoulson Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    I echo that. I know it's hard to cater to the population around the world, but at least have the times end at evenly spaced intervals.
  • hammajama
    hammajama Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    EST here. I'm either driving to/from work, at work or fast asleep for all the slices. The funny thing is that I think it's just us (the US, I mean). My alliance has a few members in the EU and they say they have no problems with the times.
  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    Thats not how timezones work... lol

    lifestyle and adaptability will have more to do with things probably..
    CET times for pve are 13:00 18:00 23:00 and guessing on s4 and 5, 04:00 07:00

    The original poster has 6 shards it seems.. talking about unfair advantages.. ghehe

    Either way, with a global client base, you’ll never please everyone..

  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    hammajama said:
    EST here. I'm either driving to/from work, at work or fast asleep for all the slices. The funny thing is that I think it's just us (the US, I mean). My alliance has a few members in the EU and they say they have no problems with the times.

    Central European here, I have similar issues as the OP. The end times I can choose between are:

    1 PM - I'm working, nuff said.

    6 PM - the one I usually pick during the work week, but I really should be preparing dinner around this time.

    11 PM - means I need to stay up until midnight for the grind of the new sub. Not really an option.

    6 AM - sleeping, nuff said.

    8 AM - right when I start working. Could do the end grind Before work, but not grind the new sub until after work.

    Really, a shift of one hour in either direction would make things a lot better for me. Any end time between 7 PM and 10 PM could work, but of course the gap is there...