5* Daily reinforcement colorless covers

fnedude Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker

With the introduction of 4* giving 5* covers, its obvious that D3 is now encourage 5* growth with ways other than Latest/Classic tokens.

So in the same spirit, can the 5* Daily reinforcement covers be changed to be colorless?  It'll help those that  are stuck with 5x in a color and then get a 6th cover that will be useless.

It shouldn't be that hard to do, give a special 5* token, that takes you to a screen to choose which of the three colors you need.



  • Helen keller
    Helen keller Posts: 62 Match Maker
    Yeah that would be great, I would be able to look forward to my "free" black OML cover, not just selling another with him sitting at 5/1/2...as he has sat for over a year:)