Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#119: M.A.S.K.ing Animations

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker

* Patch R141
* Disabling animations


  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker

    - HOT about the show getting pulled from YouTube before I could rip it
    - "There is only one time of peanut butter cup" this is for true
    - "December's a month for puking" that's for the warning!
    - I do like the game adding in the feature of who the next Crash opponent is, helping me feel better about myself that Mockingbird is next
    - good thing about listening to this version of the show, skip from 13:57 to 16:53 for THAT SEGMENT
    - I'm with Ray, I'll be keeping the animations on, play time be damned!
    - I wonder if there is any significance to characters on the new loading screen, other than being red and green
    - RAY, almost DIED when you said FUNK DAT re: the Andy Rooney discussion.  A off the cuff remark that I think only Brian (@MadSalad) would get
    - why bother being the kicker, when you can be the long snapper?
    - those season starting five part GI Joe epics are some of the greatest memories of my childhood
    - I made the mistake and sold a bunch of fully champed three stars before I had a replacement ready to go. NEVER AGAIN!
    - Eddie Brock Venom, also on the cusp of characters like Moonstone that the CPU uses way differently and better than I ever could
    - MASK was no Visionaries or Silverhawks or Inhumanoids, but really what is?
    - it was actually People Against Goodness And Normalcy, there Ian.
    - My reward of the week was red for five star Dirty, Dirty Cheater, thus making him not a cheater
    - my vine, for the first time in a long time, is clear
    - I would say we could put four star Iron Fist's name to a vote, but I've learned how that goes around here #Bummy
    - Ian should record the Bar Trivia and send the audio file to me

  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --Like The Notorious LFC above, it's sometimes frustrating how quickly the episode is taken down from YouTube. I'm rarely available to listen live but do so later in the night--until it quickly stops. It's not terrible, just disappointing.
    --Wonder Woman is not only the best DC movie of the last ten years but may be the best DC movie, period, even better than Superman: The Movie.
    --I failed Yondu's Crash. I just couldn't afford the ISO to level him up. I suspect Mockingbird is going to be the same way.
    --Our PW3 government continues to betray us. #ResistPies
    --It's been spoiled for me who "treading the line between light and dark" is and it's eXcellent.
    --I am NOT turning off animations. Frankly, I'm surprised D3/Demiurge gave into the whiners who complained about the animations taking too long. It's part of the game.
    --I like the new health bars and way to select the enemy in front.
    --Nice Cobra Commander impression, Craig.
    --There is an alternate version of James Rhodes in the comics that is Peace Machine instead of War Machine.
    --G.I.Joe was an enjoyable part of my childhood (as was Transformers) but it unwatchable now. I tried watching the cartoon with my son but, damn, it is SO bad.
    --I'll call the first of my two Nico covers as my reward of the week.
    --I have two Rogue covers dying on the vine because she's at 5/2/5. I have the Command Points to buy the 13th cover but not the ISO to level her up, at least not before the first of those dying covers expires. Also dying on the vine is my 14th cover for Kingpin and a Drax cover I can't use because he's 5/1/5.
    --I'm also quite in favor of 4-star Iron Fist being called by a new nickname. 
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor

    - HOT about the show getting pulled from YouTube before I could rip it
    - "There is only one time of peanut butter cup" this is for true
    - "December's a month for puking" that's for the warning!
    - I do like the game adding in the feature of who the next Crash opponent is, helping me feel better about myself that Mockingbird is next
    - good thing about listening to this version of the show, skip from 13:57 to 16:53 for THAT SEGMENT
    - I'm with Ray, I'll be keeping the animations on, play time be damned!
    - I wonder if there is any significance to characters on the new loading screen, other than being red and green
    - RAY, almost DIED when you said FUNK DAT re: the Andy Rooney discussion.  A off the cuff remark that I think only Brian (@MadSalad) would get
    - why bother being the kicker, when you can be the long snapper?
    - those season starting five part GI Joe epics are some of the greatest memories of my childhood
    - I made the mistake and sold a bunch of fully champed three stars before I had a replacement ready to go. NEVER AGAIN!
    - Eddie Brock Venom, also on the cusp of characters like Moonstone that the CPU uses way differently and better than I ever could
    - MASK was no Visionaries or Silverhawks or Inhumanoids, but really what is?
    - it was actually People Against Goodness And Normalcy, there Ian.
    - My reward of the week was red for five star Dirty, Dirty Cheater, thus making him not a cheater
    - my vine, for the first time in a long time, is clear
    - I would say we could put four star Iron Fist's name to a vote, but I've learned how that goes around here #Bummy
    - Ian should record the Bar Trivia and send the audio file to me

    Even without listening to the episode and only reading @LFChikarason rundown, I have this to say:
    • Ever notice how the call it taking a dump when it should be leaving a dump?  FUNK DAT!
    • Cobra-la-la-la-la-la
    • Not that it's any of your business, Mr. National Enquirer, but I spent a quiet evening in the company of Connie Swail