Do you think the new format can support quick battles?

killwind Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
  I would love to see quick battles back. For the new players Quick Battles was a pvp style grindfest to earn as many ribbons in a 2-3 day period to earn big prizes. Some of the old prizes were Plainswalkers (Garruk and Koth) or some fatty rare card(twins) there was also a lot of cheaters in the events which sucked.

   Do you the current player base think that the new format could sustain quick battle. Maybe support a legacy no holds barred QB and then another current format QB? 


    THEMAGICkMAN Posts: 697 Critical Contributor
    Please. Bring back QB. When I was a new player it was always something I could do when events were finished or too difficult, when I was a better player it was something I would do for fun, because I enjoyed the grind and needed the runes. QB was far and away my favourite game game, please bring back QB.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    A million times this. I would be happy without the huge prizes even, just a grind fest for normal prizes with the old rune payout. 
  • sjechua
    sjechua Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    300 Runes for a win, 50 Runes for a loss
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2017
    Why not expend training ground to 300+ runes a win?
    I don't want the old QB back cause of potential cheaters return. I don't want to relieve the drama that existed back then about cheaters and witch hunting.
    D3 couldn't even differentiate between a cheat and a legit score and has to rely on some kind of reasonable win per minute metrics , player observations and what not
    I'm still not compensated from losing to a known cheat despite proofs. QB was so much problematic. It was also about who was willing to be a no life and what hardware/software to play with

    Unless octagon can make efforts to create to prevent cheats
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2017
    I miss QB, it was a unique form of competition
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    I genuinely think they killed mythic top prizes and quick battle as a back-door way of removing cheaters from the game.

    Anyway, I personally hated QB but do advocate for more content and more options.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    [MOD MIC ON] Just a reminder that any discussions on how cheating takes place are a violation of forum rules. While it's ok to say you believe QB was removed because of cheating, going into further details is not allowed and will result in warnings or possible jail time. [//MOD MIC]
  • octal9
    octal9 Posts: 593 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2017
    How it took* place. It's no longer maintained and thus, unavailable. Figured I was safe since it's, y'know, in the past.

  • Matthew
    Matthew Posts: 605 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, I don't see how merely mentioning that cheating occurred is a violation of forum rules.
    THEMAGICkMAN Posts: 697 Critical Contributor
    O believe it was more of a 'watch where this is going' than actually warning us for doing something wrong.

    But to get back on topic, I think QB should return with some rewards. Perhaps just extending TGs progression rewards and bumping up the rune amounts.
  • naphomci
    naphomci Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    I was baffled by the reasoning - quantitatively, QB was far better for new players. It was a way to get uncommons/rares. Booster crafting will help to some extent, but not much for new players, so I am also in favor of QB.

    Not to mention, I wouldn't mind having it back to a 3 times a week as opposed to everyday thing. I've missed plenty of Training Grounds prizes because I had a busy day or two. 
  • Gunmix25
    Gunmix25 Posts: 1,442 Chairperson of the Boards
    naphomci said:
    I was baffled by the reasoning - quantitatively, QB was far better for new players. It was a way to get uncommons/rares. Booster crafting will help to some extent, but not much for new players, so I am also in favor of QB.

    Not to mention, I wouldn't mind having it back to a 3 times a week as opposed to everyday thing. I've missed plenty of Training Grounds prizes because I had a busy day or two. 
    Having been a new player in the QB (started nov 2016) I'm going to formally disagree with you about newer players getting rares... I remember busting my tinykitty trying to even make it below the necessary score to reach a rare prize. And that was ONLY after I received piggy by pure chance in a free 8hr pack. Even then it was brutal and I earned absolutely diddly. I obsessively watched the top 10 who dang near consistently won.  QB was a flipping joke for new players, it was a hambuger grind and I hated it. Would I hate it now that I've a fairly decent set of cards to choose from? Maybe not as much... but unless QB was redesigned to be more fair to those playing in their levels.  I'm against the reinstatement of QB vehemently. It's merely the playground of the elite to beat down the newbies and collect all the prizes. 

    Now if QB was fashioned in a way that had a randomized building restriction that was only revealed 3 hrs before the event started. Then yes, I think that would be awesome.  I.e. no mythics allowed. One rare allowed. Common cards only in build. uncommon cards only in build. Must have at least three cards from a set. Mono PW only. And so on. Then I'd be all for QB. Then it would be a testament of a player's skill set and not just about how awesome your nasty legacy combos are. 

    Prizes should only be crystals or orbs. Not mythics or jewels. Ever
  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    QB was great when I didn't have a job.... Don't miss it though.
  • blacklotus
    blacklotus Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2017
    I agree with Gunmix25. If octagon wants to bring back qb, there ought to be different events for different levels of competition. 

    Rather than bring back the old qb, I rather Octagon launch a series of Pauper, Middling, Rich and Everything Plus the Sink QB events, where each event is limited by the rarity of cards you can put in your deck. That would definitely be more fun and even the odds for new players, rather than meeting Koth/Saheeli/omniscience/deploy/OliBoomPig decks every game. 
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,097 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017
    It was fun while it lasted, but ultimately a mind numbing grind-fest. Can people get over it and finally move on?

    Instead why not have a place where you could invite or select to face certain people's decks including maybe your own? That would be a good place to measure your strength.
  • Zzyzzx
    Zzyzzx Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    Match making was my biggest problem with old-school Quick Battle.  But these days it seems to be working as expected across the board.  I only realized this a couple weeks back so I'm not sure if it was Oktagon or the other devs.  It would be nice if opponents were reshuffled after swapping out a walker, but I can live with it.

    I'm on the same raft with Gunmix25 and blacklotus that intersects with khurram's.  To expand on the theory, and this has likely already been raised elsewhere, it'd be splendid if training grounds were enhanced to allow all of the aforementioned suggestions about the game (not necessarily the prizes).  A sort of "check list" of modifiers, of which the player can select up to, say, 3 (too many things might overheat my phone).
    The intent of the modifiers are to further challenge the player (not make it easier), to use Training Grounds to actually practice for train.

    Here are a few, and again, this has probably already been suggested but it was on my mind just today.  Feel free to keep the list going:
    • Allow Legacy Builds
    • Super-charge all after 3 rounds
    • Super-charge opponent after...
    And some more obscure options:
    • Opponent starts with a full hand
    • Player starts with 0 cards
    • Opponent Is X Levels Higher

  • Sirchombli
    Sirchombli Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    I'd be cool if they just split the difference with us. Make tg pay out runes beyond the 4th battle and keep the cards. There was a point when I relied on qb for cards, but I don't really think that I lost that much when they killed it. It's just murder grinding story for runes. It's not hard, it's just not fun. I've taken to tackling it with really stupid tribal decks like mono g humans and all manner of cat tribal. I'd much rather play something with some punch against an opponent that doesn't take 6 turns to drop its first creature.