Gambit *3 0/5/5 + Nightcrawler 5/3/5 + champed level *5 , beats level 5 champed teams.

8punch Posts: 97 Match Maker
this team is freaking awesome.

gambit fill purple of Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler only needs 7 purple to add 7 titles on the board which color is most dominant.

so for example blue has 8 titles. it will add 7 more and boom. critical titles galore. add that with a strong level 5 match damage charchter like champed Thanos. but basicly Hawkeye, Daredevil all do great damage. even better is when purple is filled up on the board, that way you can keep up using nightcrawlers ability over and over again.

with hawkeye if you get blue. you can shoot arrows like crazy.

i maxed out on occasion the AP you can get for different colors ( max 30 a color ) 

even better would be a 0/4/4 level 5 gambit. but is possible with just the level 3 gambit to take out level 5 champed teams. not maxed champed. but mid level is fine took. i took out a *5 team that had a 70000+ team thanos in it.


  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am shocked, shocked I say, to discover that the two most broken abilities in the game at present are even better together.
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    Or perhaps Professor X if you lack any good 5*s. He adds more damage to match 5s and creates more ap of your stongest color, which would be purple used for more bamfs.
  • 8punch
    8punch Posts: 97 Match Maker
    i am using now champed 5 spiderman with champed 4 miles morales and gambit *3 only black.

    once purple is fixed of morales you lay 5 web titles and go invicble, then when red is filled of spiderman. you do 15000+ damage lay 2 critical titles. match those with level 5 spiderman. once purple is filled again use miles morales again to go leave invisble form and do damage again. repeat proicess and in between get green full of spiderman and again do majoyr damage because of the webtitles on the board.