Why do we watch the AI slaughter us even when we're dead?

I've noticed that when the AI beats me, I have to wait and watch till it passes all its special powers... which is basically watching those animations while all my characters are beaten.

E.g. I just lost a match against the AI and I had to sit through 4 special power animations. First one destroyed me, and it still continued to activate the remaining powers.

Devs: can't you just end the match when the player is beaten?


  • It's purpose is to rub it in your face so that you feel worse than you already are. Joking aside, I know your pain, especially when modern storm is still alive on the enemy team and continues to get cascades through her red and green abilities.
  • It could make sense with dome coherent design, like if DD traps were permanent the final cascade could set them off so you could get a victory even with all downs.
  • Juggernaut and Ares are excellent examples of that. They have been known to kill themselves with their special abilities, giving the win to the player. So there is at least a small silver lining to this issue.
  • Riggy wrote:
    Juggernaut and Ares are excellent examples of that. They have been known to kill themselves with their special abilities, giving the win to the player. So there is at least a small silver lining to this issue.

    This is a very good point, though I feel sorry for the opposing player unnecessarily losing due to dumb AI mechanics in PVP.

    The current algorithm is sort of like:
    1) Calculate which special powers can be invoked in best order
    2) Invoke all available powers

    The fix would be something like:
    1) Calculate which special powers can be invoked in best order
    2) Invoke first power
    3) If player not defeated, invoke next power.

    Doesn't sound too hard to accomplish eh? icon_e_wink.gif
  • Well, a small caveat to your algorithm:
    1) Calculate which special powers can be invoked in best order
    2) Invoke first power
    2.a) Perform matches and cascades
    3) If player not defeated, invoke next power.

    2.a is there b/c you'd still have to check whether it was the direct damage from the power that killed the last opponent, or whether it was the first, second or further on match that killed the last opponent. I could see there being some trivial but possibly noticeable lag if a check were introduced after every match checking for team death. So at the very least, you'd want to wait for a stable board before performing that check.

    Just nitpicking, but I figured it's best for clarity's sake. But yes, at the very least, it would be nice to only have to sit through one cascade from one power and not 3 or 4 from a variety of unnecessary powers.
  • When you win you cannot use your ready abilities anymore. Why can it not be the same for AI?