Introduce "Elements" rewards to PvP

It's an idea to provide incentive to hit PvP goals. Let's assume the devs don't change the 40 wins for a 4* template. There are so many good ideas on the forum for tweeks that would make the current system viable... here's another;

Most agree it is too much time spent grinding for not enough rewards. "Elements" is an element, or piece, of a 5* cover of your choosing.

Let's assume there are 10 events in a season. You hit the 40 win mark, you win an element (on top of the 4* reward). 10 Elements= one 5* cover. So in one season, if you're dedicated (crazy!) enough to hit 40 wins in every event, you will win one 5* cover of your choosing. The Elements carry over to the next season. If you hit 40 wins twice, you will have 2/10 Elements needed for a 5* next season.

So in one year, winning every Element would equal 12 covers. This is a more commensurate compensation for the time spent playing 40 wins in an event. These Elements could be rewarded in PvE as well.

And this would not be game breaking. Newer players, who are more likely to hit the 40 wins for the 4*, will finally get a chance to catch up. At that pace it would still take 3 years to get a full 5* team. (More like 1 1/2 years when other rewards are factored in.) It would help open up MMR naturally by introducing more players to high level play. And it would give 5* transitioners incentive to play more to fill the gaps of their 5*'s. With the new 5* store, the opportunity to get a desired cover is still small. We may have to wait a year+ for the cover we want. Elements would provide more options how to build your roster while fulfilling the reward based system in your MPQ addicted brain.

If I were a dev, I wouldn't want to just take people's ideas. But I certainly would use them to get my own wheels turning. I hope the outcry is being heard. 40 wins is just too much playing for one 4*. Please balance the rewards to play ratio in PvP.


  • Flydecoder
    Flydecoder Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    People offer ideas because they want developers to take them.

    I like this one... my twist on it (which might help.newer players more as well) would be 
    5 star - 10 elements
    4 star - 8 elements
    3 star - 6 elements

    If.that is TOO much, then go with the original posters idea

  • Hotnfresh
    Hotnfresh Posts: 55 Match Maker
    I figured most people would use them for the highest tier but sure, even better to be able to use them as currency for other tiers!