The loss of PvE scaling... good and bad...



  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    Vhailorx said:
    Animaniactaco:  agree on alliances, they are about maintaining engagement by leveraging the social nature of humans.  "I really don't want to grind tonight, but i don't want to let my alliance down!"
    There must be a joke I'm missing here somewhere. This is the 3rd place where my name has gotten changed to 'Taco. I mean, okay, here's it's kinda DDQ relevant and all that. But not for the other 2! What am I missing?
  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    "PvP to get that 40 wins: My average per match is 3 mins, 40 wins = 120 mins in 2.5 days = 48 mins per day."

    That's if you win all 40 matches. Add more time if all you have to face are Gam-bolt teams without your own. With new 5*s getting a 90 level boost for their first month out, I would expect  less folks being able to pull 40 straight wins without a few losses stretching out that time commited variable.
    You are absolutely right. I'm glad I'm still in 4* land. lol. (it's still doesn't mean I'm okay with how things are now..)
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx said:
    Animaniactaco:  agree on alliances, they are about maintaining engagement by leveraging the social nature of humans.  "I really don't want to grind tonight, but i don't want to let my alliance down!"
    There must be a joke I'm missing here somewhere. This is the 3rd place where my name has gotten changed to 'Taco. I mean, okay, here's it's kinda DDQ relevant and all that. But not for the other 2! What am I missing?
    Ha!  Maybe something about the font/text and typical expectations for forum names.  Apologies. I even doible checked too because it was odd.  So rhere must have been some real confirmatiom bias. 
  • maltyo9
    maltyo9 Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    Vhailorx said:
    Animaniactaco:  agree on alliances, they are about maintaining engagement by leveraging the social nature of humans.  "I really don't want to grind tonight, but i don't want to let my alliance down!"
    There must be a joke I'm missing here somewhere. This is the 3rd place where my name has gotten changed to 'Taco. I mean, okay, here's it's kinda DDQ relevant and all that. But not for the other 2! What am I missing?
    Dude, until just now when you pointed it out, I always read your name as "Animaniactaco."

    Guess I'm glad I'm not the only one...
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Don't mean to sound pessimistic, but you can't really escape this issue, and there probably isn't really any solution for it. This issue exists because ranking in PVE is about speed, and always has been. Even with them releasing clearance levels that give more appropriate rewards for higher level rosters, there will ALWAYS be a crowd of people who prefer speedier clears for quality of life reasons. This crowd of people is fine with giving up those rewards, even if they don't make t10, because needing to spend less time on this game is a reward of its own.

    That's very accurate. I've tested my speed and I can roughly say I could take top 10 in SCL 6 and 7, top 25 in SCL 8, and top 50 in SCL 9...given the right bracket.

    However, I don't like to start optimally and be bound by that start/stop time for an entire event. The amount of time I'm willing to spend per event dictates which SCL I go to. For this 7 day event, I went to 9 for the highest progression rewards. I'm in slice 5 and still haven't "4 cleared" everything. Seems like there will be a Boss event after that and I'll crush that for my alliance. Then I'll probably be a little burnt out, so I'll probably drop to SCL 6 for an event. Maybe not, its still a long time away.

    Point being, if everyone played optimally, you'd have EVEN MORE people sandbagging, because if people are going to live their lives around MPQ start/stop PVE timers, they're going to want to maximize the rewards, and there are probably enough players above you to push you down further.

    Its ok to be discouraged a little, but its a game. Find what works best for you, try to continue to build your roster based on progression (not placement), and remember that there will always be bigger kids on the playground.
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    Vhailorx said:
    Vhailorx said:
    Animaniactaco:  agree on alliances, they are about maintaining engagement by leveraging the social nature of humans.  "I really don't want to grind tonight, but i don't want to let my alliance down!"
    There must be a joke I'm missing here somewhere. This is the 3rd place where my name has gotten changed to 'Taco. I mean, okay, here's it's kinda DDQ relevant and all that. But not for the other 2! What am I missing?
    Ha!  Maybe something about the font/text and typical expectations for forum names.  Apologies. I even doible checked too because it was odd.  So rhere must have been some real confirmatiom bias. 
    lol. no worries. I'm more amused than anything. The first "forum" as it were, somebody purposely changed it to AnimalTaco just to goof around and when instead of protesting, I mangled his name back in similar fashion, the regs adopted it from then on. 2nd "forum", I kind of suspect there was crossover and the first person to do it knew me from the original place and didn't fill me in on how they knew me (important to be even more anonymous on that one).

    Here, I was just scratching my head. Since you're not the only one to read it that way (see below you lol), I'm going with your explanation of font/text and expectations for forum names *here*. ;)
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 587 Critical Contributor
    I'm "sandbagging" in SCL 7 because it suits my time constraints in balancing alliance requirements for PVP and PVE with my Real Life obligations. Before the recent PVP changes, I would always be in SCL 8 or 9. Now that PVP requires so much more time for a baby 5* roster to hit progression AND hit an alliance minimum, I see that I can adjust by going to a lower PVE SCL, bang out 4x grinds (initial 4x clear of each node at opening of sub event) in 40 minutes or less, bang out end grinds (that's the 3x clear at the end of sub events) in 20 minutes or less and place in Top 10 or better without losing any ground to my competition in terms of resource rewards and covers. Also this playstyle also rewards me with CP for top 1-3 finish in subevents which I'm currently not getting from not being able to place consistently in T10 in new PVP structure. Sorry to the OP but we've all been there and found a way to cope by adjusting or just lowering expectations.

    TLDR: Blame it all on the new PVP system of wins for progression. We've all had to do ugly things in order to make MPQ ends meet. 
    This 100%.

    I may play CL9 if I have the 5* champed but otherwise I’m in 7/8, and I have absolutely no scruples pushing out someone whose roster is best equipped for a lower CL.

    Man’s gotta know his limitations.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m the opposite of the OP. I have a much harder time finding negatives with SCL based scaling. 
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    If your roster is only strong enough to fight for top 100 in pve, then you can probably make up the rewards lost by participating more in the new wins based pvp.  
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm a little late to the convo, but do you prejoin events in SCL 7 or wait for a flip? And in which slice do you play? That can make a difference, although in order to play optimally you'll probably be limited to one or two slices, depending on your schedule. 

    I'd definitely try and wait for a bracket flip though and hopefully end up in a less competitive bracket. That can make all the difference in the world.