The Hunt for GladiaThor



  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker

    So what's the story regarding Exchanges?

    I got my 14th Strange cover (purple if you must know...).   Can I exchange it?

    An Alliance-mate stated that they aren't doing exchanges for Banner/Strange, so I'm SOL....

    Is that only for the "Arena" Token, or Friends from Work tokens?  (I got it from a FFW Token, spent 25CP on 11 of them).

  • justsing
    justsing Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    30+ pulls and still no GladiaThor. ****.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    How do you guys save up so much CP? I tried to save up 250 CP in case Thanos came up on Heroes for Hire, but I only made it to 140 before splurging on pulls (which I got a Thanos out of, woo).
    Once the hoard begins to get decent it becomes easier. For me, vaulting really pushed me to hoard. Had to limit how I spent my CmdPts to limit useless covers. I was over 3300 at one point and I still have over 2K. I did spend like 800 trying to cover Rogue though.

    fnedude said:

    So what's the story regarding Exchanges?

    I got my 14th Strange cover (purple if you must know...).   Can I exchange it?

    An Alliance-mate stated that they aren't doing exchanges for Banner/Strange, so I'm SOL....

    Is that only for the "Arena" Token, or Friends from Work tokens?  (I got it from a FFW Token, spent 25CP on 11 of them).

    Only Thor will be exchanged.

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 786 Critical Contributor
    No joy from the 5 tokens I got from the lightning rounds but with the ratio odds shown my hopes weren’t high 

    then moved on to the other store and opened covers until I got thor 

    results were 

    a. Venom 
    red hulk
    yondu x 2 which means I can champ him I think 
    mocking bird x 2 
    ghost rider 
    r and g 
    invisible woman
    s gwen 
    coulson plus bonus miles Morales 
    luke cage 

    5*s were 
    banner x 2
    dr strange x 3
    thor x 1

    Makes a total of 25 opened so 6 from 25 wasn’t too bad

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 786 Critical Contributor
    Can’t use all the dr strange tokens as have 5 yellow for him 

    as it’s from a special event vault does anyone know if I can get a swap, I’d guess probably not as he’s not a new character 
  • hunky_funky
    hunky_funky Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    Got Thor green on 3rd pool
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    7 pulls so far, 2 5trange covers and 5 4* that were all usable. Not as cool as getting Thor (I just saw the movie, and am totally pumped for him right now), but I didn't have 5trange, so that's one more off the list.
  • RemcoLoki
    RemcoLoki Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    1) Thor - red :o
    2) Thor - red :o
    Though to be honest, the second one was Thoress, which made me chuckle.
    Decided not to push my luck any further and stopped there.
  • newton999
    newton999 Posts: 34 Just Dropped In


    It was a strange day...

    1 - Thor 5* green

    2 - 5trange purple

    3 - MK

    4 - Banner and a thanos BH...

    I checked the odds and smiled.

    I pulled 6 more token and 2 yellow Thor cover.  Whooahh !

  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Congrats @Yoik, I’m still undecided whether I want Thor with strange and banner or wait for the next 2x 5*s. I don’t have iso anyway (just championed Peter Parker) so May have to wait. Might pull enough to get a single Thor cover... 
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker

    Thanks Pongie. Pulling for one cover is what a lot of people are doing I know for the 5 star node. Its a good idea if you are lucky ;)

    Thor is boosted now instead of Gambit. Ive played with him a bit but still feeling him out. Unsure who to pair him with really

  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    OJSP said:
    Yoik said:

    Thor is boosted now instead of Gambit. Ive played with him a bit but still feeling him out. Unsure who to pair him with really

    Get your Daredevil championed and enter a match with both of them at less than 50% health. Thor's boost might make it difficult to utilize Daredevil's true healing, but they should work quite well together.
    Ive got DD covered but not enough iso to go around. Funny how it works out. This time 2 weeks ago I had almost 4mm now ive got 50k lol
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yoik said:

    Thanks Pongie. Pulling for one cover is what a lot of people are doing I know for the 5 star node. Its a good idea if you are lucky ;)

    I bought he Thor odinson vault and the friend from work token wasn’t Thor. At least I did pull a 5* (strange, now he is 1/1/0). Then I realise the 5* essential rotation is 2 classics and 3 latest. Thor shouldn’t be eligible until he rotates into latest. Therefore I’m waiting to get his lone cover there (better chance to finish daredevil since he only needs one more, and allows me to save up iso). 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    It took me 41 pulls to get my GladiaThor cover, a red one. I also pulled precisely one Banner cover (black) but the real 5* winner was 5trange. He netted four covers (a blue, two purple and a yellow) and ended up 2/3/4. Six covers out of 41 comes out to 14.63 percent, so it was more or less on track.

    I also pulled a 13th cover for Lockjaw, which let me champ him and save three useless blue covers that were dying on the vine. I also got Rogue up to 13 covers, with three extra covers now on my vine. Now the race is on to get enough ISO to champ her before those covers expire. My 2* farm is going to be seriously hurting for awhile. 

    For the first time, I've got all the Latest characters fully covered. Just need to get ISO to champ Rogue and Yondu.

    For those who are curious, here's the results of my mini-hoard:
    Strange purple
    G4ocket yellow
    Kingpin purple
    Medusa purple
    Strange blue
    Kate Bishop purple
    Mockingbird red
    G4ocket blue
    Banner black
    St4r-Lord purple
    St4r-Lord purple
    Clagger black
    Fury blue
    Rogue red
    Lockjaw blue
    G4mora red
    Venom black
    Bl4de red
    Drax purple
    Venom green
    Ant-Man blue
    Rogue green
    Kate Bishop purple (BH)
    Rogue yellow (14th cover)
    Vulture blue
    Spider-Gwen purple
    Mr. F black
    Iron Fist blue
    Kate Bishop black (BH, useless)
    Iron Fist blue
    Clagger black
    Strange yellow
    Rogue red
    Rogue red
    Chulk blue
    St4r-Lord purple
    Nova yellow (useless)
    Ant-Man purple
    Spider-Woman purple
    Mordo purple
    Lockjaw yellow (13th cover)
    Strange purple
    Thor red

  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    7 pulls so far, 2 5trange covers and 5 4* that were all usable. Not as cool as getting Thor (I just saw the movie, and am totally pumped for him right now), but I didn't have 5trange, so that's one more off the list.
    Pulled a couple more, got a Banner. That gets me some covers for the other two in there, so I at least have them rostered, so I think I'm going to wait until Thor enters Latest to try for him again.