Strange Days, yes these times are right now, S4 PVP info plus other slices

The rockett
The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards

There is a major trend a lot of use are seeing.  People are giving up, just have to look at some of the forum posts and also talking to a lot of people on LINE and even my own Alliance.  Between the PVP win change, GOD Gambit mode and some other factors, just seems like people are saying enough.  Time will tell if this will be addressed IF they are listening.

There was only 1 person that lost CPs verses the old system.  4.6.2 was a late flip so it rewards you to get lucky. 

Info 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.8.5 4.8.6 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.5.1 Top 5 score 2596 2860 2497 2494 3342 2941 3206 3802 3025 1550 1521 1053 2017 Top 10 score 938 991 1071 1376 2203 2282 1479 1850 1482 1073 950 925 1247 Lowest we can see with 1200 1966 1521 1488 1276 1226 1216 1479 1486 1260 1250 1273 1518 1247 Rank of lowest above 1200 6 8 9 11 16 17 10 13 12 8 7 4 10 How many missed CP vs old system -4 -2 -1 1 6 7 0 3 2 -2 -3 -6 0


  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    4.8.1 2596 938 1966 6 -4 4.8.2 2860 991 1521 8 -2 4.8.3 2497 1071 1488 9 -1 4.8.4 2494 1376 1276 11 1 4.8.5 3342 2203 1226 16 6 4.8.6 2941 2282 1216 17 7 4.7.1 3206 1479 1479 10 0 4.7.2 3802 1850 1486 13 3 4.7.3 3025 1482 1260 12 2 4.7.4 1550 1073 1250 8 -2 4.6.1 1521 950 1273 7 -3 4.6.2 1053 925 1518 4 -6 4.5.1 2017 1247 1247 10 0
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards















































































    wish I could figure out this formatting.

  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    You should link it to a read-only google doc.  That way you can update it and we always have up to date info, with each event in its own tab and a running season stat.
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am using excel.  Never used google docs 
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker

    But... Google is life!

    Depressing trend.  Especially seeing long-time friends start to drop off PvP as it's just too tough to play. I usually try to join early, and climb hard... but I can understand the appeal of joining late and hitting 70+ Qs.

    That world is gone now, you need to invest as much time for PvP as you do for PvE (more actually...)

    I experienced a flush of panic on the weekend - looked at my Simulation wins and realized I might be in trouble.  Facing triple Championed 5* teams sucks health-packs... so I can only manage 3 or 4 fights every couple days.  I'm sitting at 35 wins now - exacly half-way... and if I don't focus, I risk missing out on the final reward.

    With the new Sakaar area, PvP, PvE, Simuator... so many health-pack (and time) sinks...
  • zahria
    zahria Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    alaeth said:

    Depressing trend.  Especially seeing long-time friends start to drop off PvP as it's just too tough to play. I usually try to join early, and climb hard... but I can understand the appeal of joining late and hitting 70+ Qs.

    That world is gone now, you need to invest as much time for PvP as you do for PvE (more actually...)

    With the new Sakaar area, PvP, PvE, Simuator... so many health-pack (and time) sinks...
    Agree.  I spend as much time (& often more) on PvP to get a decent score to finish T5.  It's very sad that my alliance mates are starting to drop off as they can't commit to the new time constraints needed for PvP. This game sucks a lot more of my time.  And for most people, there will come a time when something has to give & it will likely be MPQ. 
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    One more event where I went to win #40 and stopped.

    Did they tighten up the matchmaking with this new season? I used to have to get to 600-800 range, but now I'm taking on equal teams as soon as I start (if I don't get seeds). That makes this quite the hardy climb. I can't imagine how unfun it is for the multi-champed 5* rosters.

    When it comes to data, my scores are testifying against me, and, looking at this season in a vacuum, d3 can cite at me as someone who "wouldn't have gotten CP."

    In previous seasons, I would claim 1200 points (and 15CP) and shield to hold my score. Now, since I can't climb and shield at the same time, I don't shield. I shrug off my hits and end with whatever score I end with. If I'm #11-25, there's no point in spending on a shield.

    So, if anyone's looking at me as an example, I look like someone who's benefiting from this change (850 points gets a 4* cover), but I climbed to a higher score for more prizes in less time under the old system.
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's the point @BearVenger. Since I know you and your play style for, man almost 1.5years now, this is the side they didn't expect. People saying I will never Shield again. For what point.  Progression is only a 4* cover in 7/8 so why should I care. Those are the people that we cannot capture the data on and never will.  
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    I have basically given up on competitive PVP at this point.  (from someone that had been 900+ in 70 or 80% of all events since Champion Day in January 2016).  If i remember, then I will try to poach a late bracket by joining in the last 60 minutes.  So far this has only gotten me finishes from 13th to 75th, but I have also been unlucky and always entered stale brackets with 200+ people ahead of me.)  Eventually I will get lucky and join at 60 or less and finish top 10 in a quick rush.  That will probably happen 3/10 times if I do it often enough.  That is irritating.  But the time investment to play PVP for either progression or placement now is extraordinary, especially given the relatively low value (to me) or a 4* prog cover, and the uncertainty of a top 10 finish, and is even more irritating.

    I would rather spend a couple hours a week hoping to poach a late bracket than spend 6+ hours a week hoping I don't finish 11th in a bracket of whales.  It's just not worth my time any longer, especially now that PVE chews up more time than ever with 5/6 grinds (or CL9 if i go that high).

  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    I'm not sure if others had the same experience, but for me always fighting a boosted Strange was a health pack drain.  I also spent time playing the Thor lightning rounds.  My decision to only play 16 battles for 10 CP this time was much more about the featured character and lightning rounds, rather than win-based progression or Gambit.

    I will be playing harder in the Cyclops PVP because the battles are more fun, less health pack drain, and I want that Peggy.
  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    I'd be interested in seeing the "player engagement" numbers from d3/Demi and what their take is on the trend.

    IMO the engagement is decreasing rapidly and we aren't even into the second half of the season on the new format. Burn-out is real. If it continues like this, the future for the game doesn't look too bright.

    Again it's just my humble opinion, but I might be wrong. We'll see.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    madoctor said:
    I'd be interested in seeing the "player engagement" numbers from d3/Demi and what their take is on the trend.

    IMO the engagement is decreasing rapidly and we aren't even into the second half of the season on the new format. Burn-out is real. If it continues like this, the future for the game doesn't look too bright.

    Again it's just my humble opinion, but I might be wrong. We'll see.
    definitely true at the high end.  what about casual players?
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx said:
    madoctor said:
    I'd be interested in seeing the "player engagement" numbers from d3/Demi and what their take is on the trend.

    IMO the engagement is decreasing rapidly and we aren't even into the second half of the season on the new format. Burn-out is real. If it continues like this, the future for the game doesn't look too bright.

    Again it's just my humble opinion, but I might be wrong. We'll see.
    definitely true at the high end.  what about casual players?
    You mean the ones that championed this change?  From the posts on here, some hate it now.  They are still, wait for it ........ causal. 
  • Khanwulf
    Khanwulf Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    Vhailorx said:
    madoctor said:
    I'd be interested in seeing the "player engagement" numbers from d3/Demi and what their take is on the trend.

    IMO the engagement is decreasing rapidly and we aren't even into the second half of the season on the new format. Burn-out is real. If it continues like this, the future for the game doesn't look too bright.

    Again it's just my humble opinion, but I might be wrong. We'll see.
    definitely true at the high end.  what about casual players?
    As a casual I can say that I've been unable to play consistently beyond 16-20 wins, and didn't bother trying for Strange. This lighting round PVP was a depressing break, and I just decided to laugh off PVP (again) and go back to boosted Riri in PvE--much more fun (takes less time for rewards at SCL7) and uses fewer healthpacks.

    And... I despise losing points on retaliations. Just really, really hate it. I know how to avoid it (mostly), but am only now reaching a roster at casual play that can make the points for a climb to 575+. Win-based progression is fine, except that as with many other aspects of MPG, they value their CP and 4+ covers VERY HIGHLY. Too highly. So, delivering the amount of time needed to obtain them (3+ hours/day) is a quick road to burnout.

  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    Vhailorx said:
    madoctor said:
    I'd be interested in seeing the "player engagement" numbers from d3/Demi and what their take is on the trend.

    IMO the engagement is decreasing rapidly and we aren't even into the second half of the season on the new format. Burn-out is real. If it continues like this, the future for the game doesn't look too bright.

    Again it's just my humble opinion, but I might be wrong. We'll see.
    definitely true at the high end.  what about casual players?
    Can we even call players doing 40 wins per event "Casual"?
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    Wow!  Only 1 event in and the number of people who "lost" cp is down from 84 to just 1!  What great progress!  See?  So there really wasn't an issue with this new system at all!  I'm glad we could finally agree on something.  Here's to many many years with cp for t10 only.
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes. People quitting pvp or the game is the perfect long term health for the game.  
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    Wow!  Only 1 event in and the number of people who "lost" cp is down from 84 to just 1!  What great progress!  See?  So there really wasn't an issue with this new system at all!  I'm glad we could finally agree on something.  Here's to many many years with cp for t10 only.
    Alot are quitting. 40 matches against max champed boosted 3* & 465+ dual 5*s for a single 4* cover... hahaha no thanks!
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017