Wish boosts would reset

I really wish boosts would reset after every fight. I choose my boosts on a per fight basis. So having them carry over from one fight to the next is pointless. I have to manually go in every time and change them out or, more often, remove them because I do most fights without them. More than once, I've forgotten that I'd used boosts in a fight I did 20 minutes ago and accidentally enter a new fight with boosts still applied. A truly ugh moment... Yes, similar to the "set highest character as default" thread, this could be a hey player pay attention thing. But for those of us space cadets or speed demons who zip through screens, why make it harder on us?

Or at the very least how about a "Remove all" button so we don't have to go in one by one and remove them?


  • It all depends on playstyle, so players like it the way it is, others doesn't. In Lightning rounds or Thornament I use always the same set of boosters, so it's helpful for me that I don't have to choose them every time.
    My problem is lack of a warning when you ran out of them...
  • Maybe a "lock" option with "auto buy" will be helpful.
  • pumkin wrote:
    Or at the very least how about a "Remove all" button so we don't have to go in one by one and remove them?


    One of the best ideas for a UI change, sir. I have been bugged by this myself and have thought of this as a solution too. I second this.