Next on the D3/Demi Checklist

The rockett
The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2017 in MPQ General Discussion

With the current win progression starting, for or against this don't want to debate this here, I am wondering what D3/Demi will work on next.  Here are some major pending issues that are still not resolved but they deemed the Win progression more important.

  • SHIELD Rank cap at 125-Been here for months and there has been no talk of them raising this.  This was asked at Gen Con and NYCC and this doesn't even seem like a concern.  Well, it is for all of us capped at this and had taken the ISO flow away from us.  Are they even tracking XP's for this?  Any update would be great.
  • Bonus Hero cheaters-Yes.  I am still talking about this and will not stop until they actually do something about this.  This goes back to March when they said they knew who did this and said they will take action.  The player base sent in a lot of info that was requested and nothing was done.  It was confirmed at NYCC that they know this is an issue but are not doing anything about it because they don't have the man power or the resources to punish the players that cheated the system to do this.  All this does is lay the ground work for future exploits and telling the player base that they do not care about cheating or take it seriously.  Currently there some cheats going on and it is having legit players question whether they should do this or not. 
  • Tapping in PVE-This was brought up to the Devs on Discord and here as well as NYCC.  Again, they know if is an issue to have somebody play for 4+ hours to keep hitting one node to gain 3/4/5 points at a time to secure 1st place and there is nothing you can do about this except watch. 
  • 5* cover swaps-LOL.  Nothing will change.
  • SL 9 for PVP-We have SL 9 for PVE but not for PVP. Why is that?  I get that one has to be rolled out first, but this long?  I cannot remember the timeline from 8 PVE to 8 PVP being released, but I don't think it was this long.  
So what are your top 5 remaining issues that they have not resolved yet?  


  • gmp72
    gmp72 Posts: 164 Tile Toppler
    You forget to mention, you wrote that while grinding PVE ;)
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Classic dilution. 

    Huge gaps in levels due to vaulting

    Black panther and other broken team ups 

    Iso to cash ratio 

    Cost of roster slots

  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    • SL 9 for PVP-We have SL 9 for PVE but not for PVP. Why is that?  I get that one has to be rolled out first, but this long?  I cannot remember the timeline from 8 PVE to 8 PVP being released, but I don't think it was this long.  

    PvE it was introduced mid-season, PvP at the end of the season.

    Coincidentally, the introduction of SCL8 was also when the Shield Rank cap was raised to 125.

  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    Incoming 5* Gambit complaints.  Is there anywhere to read the NYCC info?
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,737 Chairperson of the Boards
    My theory is that SCL 9 is incoming fairly soon.  First they had to introduce wins PVP and CP in placement.  Now if they have minimal increase in SCL 9 rewards (which should be expected), people will complain less (maybe) since more brackets will open for placement.
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Maybe but if i get the same cp in scl5 as i do 9, im going 5 90% of the time
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2017
    (any) Cheating is a huge problem for a game where the difference between players is luck-based.  Add to that the lack of corrective action and I see the problem getting worse.

    If there's no negative consequences of cheating, some people will do it.

    If the rewards are the latest/greatest characters, more might decide to cheat.  Where's the incentive for *ME* to join a buy club and spend $131.99 on a Stark, when I can simply load the game in an Android emulator and tweak bits in memory for the same gain?

    The BH exploit and more recently $2 CP exploit are the most concerning to me.

    We need the faith that spending real money on a digital game is worth it.  Cheating, and exploits, and lack of punitive action degrades the trust and willingness to pony-up.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not 5* swaps - COLORLESS COVERS. All levels of characters should have the first 13 matter, and then (3-5) the next 100 you draw not matter. That's just bizarre, the first 13 should not need swaps and not need tossing.

    Fix MMR. It's always been horrific, it's worse than ever now.

    Increase ISO, permanently. Should be 2x all the time to allow folks to keep up with characters coming out, but also allow new players to catch up even a little bit. (Shield rank cap higher would help but IS NOT enough)

    Increase 4* drops. Vaulting sort of helped, but unvaulting showed the true problem - there are too many 4* characters, and too few ways to get them fast enough.

    CP not gated at T10 in PVP. Another SCL that dropped this down to T25 would help....

  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    1) Shield rank needs to be addressed soon, it should have been addressed already. I'm quickly approaching the cap, I'm 3/4 of the way through 115. I really didn't believe I'd get this close to the cap and I'm starting to get worried, my earned xp rate means I should be there by the end of the year. THIS ONE SHOULD NOT BE HARD!!!

    2) It's more than just bonus hero cheating, but also peeking in general. Exploiting pulls to generate bonus heroes is straight up cheating, it needs to be stopped. Peeking to see what your next pull is before pulling is also cheating and needs to be stopped, it's not intended for you to know what's coming on your next pull, that helps you make champion decisions without waste. I don't have a good enough understanding of the game coding and these types of electronics to know what needs to be done to stop it, but someone (hopefully in their employ) should.

    3) Tapping should be easy to solve, just make all the nodes go to 0. It's that freaking simple. Tiebreakers can be determined by what they are already determined by- time. If 15 people finish with the same score the fastest 10 will be top 10. It would suck to be part of the 5 left out but it is what it is. Something needs to seperate people and tapping should not be it. I don't have 10 hours in any day to tap a single node over and over and over and over and over and over to increase my score 300 points. It's ridiculous that is even an option. THIS ONE SHOULD NOT BE HARD!!!!

    4) 5* covers... where to start.... It took me a year and a half pulling all my CP in classics to pull the last 2 needed covers for Phoenix so I could champ her and it didn't happen until the classic odds got changed to 25% for those 3 hours. And the dilution just keeps getting worse, buying covers outright is a joke for 2 reasons- 1) you need to have a cover first to buy one, so I have no way on my 0/5/3 GG and 2) 720 CP?!?!?!? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!??! With 19 5* characters now there really needs to be a 5* only vault, I don't care if it costs 100 CP, I could hit it twice a week and would for the guaranteed 5* cover. I'm in the 4*-5* transition now- I NEED 5* COVERS, and not just the latest. I want more diversity at that tier, which is possible with 19 characters if there was a more reasonable way to access them. Colorless covers and swaps I could live without if there was a guaranteed path to a 5* cover. THIS ONE SHOULD NOT BE HARD!!!!!!

    5) The biggest divide between win based Versus progression and points based Versus progression among players is roster level. Low level rosters want the higher rewards but can't climb that high. High level rosters can attain all rewards but the matches are a serious health pack drain. As a 4* roster I could hit 900 before using all 10 health packs. As a 5* roster I have found myself buying health packs just to get to 750 so I can shield at a reasonable point level. Every match against Panthos costs 2-3 packs. And with Gambit coming in that will get worse, I've faced him a few times. He is a monster and can dismantle a team single handedly. My biggest hope for CL9 in Versus is that it goes back to points based progression. Clearly, CL9 will be for top tier rosters. Most of the top tier people on the forums want points based, it would make sense to open a CL for us, with the scoring system we want. THIS ONE SHOULD NOT BE HARD!!!!!
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    What I think will happen, or what I'd like to happen?  They're different lists.

    Here's what I'd like to see:

    CL9 for PVP.  I think CP for t25 or t50 would fix a lot of complaints.

    More classic 5* essentials.  I'm not a fan of the 3 latest, 2 classic pattern.

    Something to help 5* classic dilution.  In-game color swaps, higher drop rate, or something.  Maybe a gauntlet run with a 5* cover at the end.

    I'm approaching rank 125, so raising that cap would be nice too.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cthulhu said:
    We are reviewing this [the reward structure] and will try and see what we can do, there is a new plan coming
    I would say that's next on their agenda.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    As far as I’m concerned there next priority will be turning the lights off as the all leave the building - we had a decent couple of weeks of positive changes but everything recently has been horrible and a money grab - death spiral inbound