Character & faction specific assets [gear]

TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
I was just inspired by the This Game Isn't Fun Any More thread, when people were describing a] the treadmill of constant new characters who are key for a few buffed events, then drop into obscurity and b] relatively flat progression where you farm ISO till maxing someone then they're done forever & the same as everyone else's copy.

This idea may sound slightly out there, but I think it's actually pretty close to mechanics already in game - how about character/team specific assets (gear effectively) that can be slotted instead of boosts?

Quick bullet-point summary:
> Equipped in boost slots before matches (never ever stack).
> Not consumed when used - key difference is they are last forever!
> Less powerful/more narrow than boosts - only affect the specified character/faction.
> Possibly PvE only (we know from Hard Mode only boosts that it's possible to restrict this way), to keep PvP more of a level playing field.
> Highly collectible. icon_mrgreen.gif

I am picturing 2 to 3 assets per character and per faction (e.g. Avengers) - not character version, per character (so 1 set for Wolverine, not 3).
Assets are graded by *s, like everything else in the game!

* Assets = Equivalent to regular boosts (starting AP, match damage, power damage or crit damage) but don't stack and are more narrow in focus.
These assets are obtained randomly in Standard tokens - since you only need each to obtain each asset once, duplicates are automatically exchanged for 100 ISO when acquired.

** Assets = Something more impactful & unique to a character/faction.
These can be unlocked from the character's screen for 500 HP or drawn randomly from Asset tokens that can be prizes or purchased on the same scale as Heroic tokens (300 HP but 1st each day is 100 HP).
If a duplicate is obtained randomly, it is automatically exchanged for 250 ISO when acquired.

*** Assets = These should have some effect which impacts how the character plays, not simply stronger boosts.
These can be rare draws from Asset tokens (above), but are primarily unlocked as progression rewards in tournaments themed for that character or faction.
Not at the top of the progression chart, but higher than Heroic tokens - aim is to encourage excitement & regular play in tournament rotation, not to restrict these assets to the top players.
If a duplicate is obtained randomly, it is automatically exchanged for 500 ISO when acquired.

Characters & factions who are simply to low rated to star in tournaments - e.g. Yelena, Juggernaut - won't have 3* assets (may gain one if higher versions released).
In terms of art; there's no reason these couldn't just be cards carrying the character/faction icon, rather than illustrated.

Assets are associated with either a single character or a single faction (e.g. Avengers), and can only be slotted while your team:
a] Includes that specific character - any version, must just possess that character name.
b] Is composed entirely of versions of characters that belong to a given faction (so Classic Magneto is not part of the X-Men but Marvel NOW! Magneto would be).
The latter is so there is no confusion possible e.g. being able to slot Dark Avengers assets with Classic Daken in your team an not be sure if he's affected.

Examples - characters

* Spider-Tracer - Start the match with +1 Blue and +1 Yellow AP.
^ Simple tactical advantage that represents him getting the drop on foes.
** Web Cartridges - When a Spider-Man power removes all Web tiles, create 2 new Web tiles afterwards.
^ Game-play change so that his web-consuming powers don't slow him down as much.
*** Symbiote Suit - Spider-Man has 10% more health and 70 Black tile strength.
^ Gives Spider-Man a tanking role as well as a bit more offense (70 strength because that's the highest for 4* characters).

* Logan's Fury - Wolverine deals +20% match damage.
^ Basic damage boost - power damage boost may have been over-powered, given he has some big attacks.
** Hard To Kill - After the mission, Wolverine regains 50% of his lost health if he is not defeated.
^ Expand his healing factor to outside-of-combat too! Useful for long play sessions.
*** Fierce Protector - When opponents attack, Wolverine moves to the front of the team.
^ Gives Wolverine the equivalent to an MMO taunt, which makes him the ultimate tank but invariably the first to fall.

* Crimson Gem of Cyttorak - Start the match with +1 Green and +1 Red AP.
^ Basic mystical charge for his powers.
** Unstoppable Force - Juggernaut is powered-up to the level of the highest level character in your team (ignoring any power-ups affecting that character).
^ Something to make him use-able long-term! Thematically it should be the highest opponent, but with scaling that is over-powered.

Doctor Doom
* Boundless Ambition - Start the match with 10 environment AP.
^ Non-standard boost, but on on par - reflects his ambition to rule the world & ties in to next asset.
** Latverian Monarch - Your Latverian Terrain Strike tiles have strength equal to Doctor Doom's level, and Doomstadt Gambit deals 2,000 damage.
^ Utterly unique enhancement, that makes Doom a contender for any Latverian mission.
*** Doom Needs No-One - Doctor Doom discards his allies, and takes on this mission with a Doombot Brawler and Doombot Decoy that are 14 levels lower than him (Doctor Doom must be the team leader).
^ Perhaps just a novelty, but who wouldn't want villain-mode?! Team leaders clause stops this being used to negate liability of essential characters, who are invariably in 1st position.

Examples - factions

* Avengers Assembled - Start the game with +1 AP of all colors.
^ Simple enough - a bit stronger than examples above, but quite demanding to field whole team.
** The Real Deal - Deal +10% damage to Dark Avengers.
^ It is Dark Reign, after all.
*** Earth's Mightiest - +25% Critical damage bonus.
^ A bit vanilla, but represents them digging deep when it counts and - with Avengers Assembled - gives a universal incentive for fielding them.

Dark Avengers
* Dark Reign - Start the game with +3 Black AP and +3 Purple AP.
^ Another simple boost, but amplified for restrictive requirement.
** Osborn's List - Deal +10% damage to Avengers and The Punisher.
^ Single Frank out for a little extra on top!
*** Stronger, Smarter, Better - All allies are powered-up to the level of the highest level character in your team (ignoring any power-ups affecting that character).
^ Something dramatic to make this team actually a viable option, adds some mileage to Ragnorak immediately.