Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#110:Apocolyptic rouge backlash

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
* Gambit 
* Anniversary and Apocalypse 


  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --As I've done nearly every week, I thank you for the PW3 PSA. It's important.
    --The Pie of the Week joke has run its course.
    --Nice Pink Panther reference, Craig.
    --Nice Oh Brother Where Art Thou reference.
    --I also prefer it when there are more differences than just power levels between 3- and 5-star characters.
    --Gambit is 4-star Blade's new best friend.
    --I'm pleased to report that I still have all the MPQ characters. 
    --The Apocalypse event was great. As others have already said, it put the "puzzle" back in Puzzle Quest. Famine was typically the hardest Horseman to dispose of. My winning team was 3-star Storm, Kamala, and a non-Champion Quake. 
    --By the way, if we're going by the Horsemen of Apocalypse we first saw in X-Factor, Famine & Pestilence are women and War & Death are men. 
    --I know it's kinda last minute as I type this but I can cancel my other plans for this evening in order to fill in for Craig. ;)
    --Alliance members should use more team-ups. Since XP became a thing, I ask for team-ups often so my alliance members can earn XP. There are some team-ups that I just delete because they're junk but whether I use or delete the team-ups, I ask for them often just to help out others.
    --My recent Champions are Mr. Fantastic, Professor X, and Quake. Next up: 4-star Sam Wilson (but only because I have a cover dying on the vine for him). I also have 13 covers on Kingpin, Carnage, Spider-Woman, and Miles Morales but I'm not in a hurry to Champion any of them. Unless something better comes up, Carnage will be next but the Medusa, Mr. Fantastic, and Carnage team is fine with Kletus only at level 200. 
    --My reward of the week was certainly 5-star Gambit.
    --Pop pop pop ooh mow mow.
    --Unless referring to the Moulin Rouge, rouge NEVER comes up in normal conversation.