Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep109: Going Rogue with Scissors

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
Shield Training and special vault 
New characters Rogue, and Gambit, and Nightcrawler 


  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    - Boy, that joke sure was something, Craig...
    - Champ Cho is better than a Chump Cho, we're about a week away from D3 throwing a monkey wrench in the Crash schedule
    - hashtag day poo
    - Remember when it was just apples? When did they get so high and mighty?
    - "We're professionals, it'll be fine"
    - One crucial thing seemingly was missing about SHIELD Training, seems some folks are unhappy about it, but there it was
    - You're forgetting about Nightcrawler fencing with his tail! Another power!
    - Should I just email this to Craig instead of posting these?
    - If I can choose my voice for the mail bag, I pick King Candy from Wreck It Ralph
    - a change for Characters of the Week! I like it!
    - My vine is a yellow Mockingbird, hoping I can champ her in the next two weeks
    - my reward of the week is enough ISO to champ five star Star-Lord just today!
    - are they gonna have to scrap 'the Prime Defective'? I'M DEAD!
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    edited September 2017
    Like the new formats but If you are going to have a pie segment you really should be discussing Hostess Pies and the Marvel characters who pimp them.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    Reecoh said:
    Like the new formats but If you are going to have a pie segment you really should be discussing Hostess Pies and the Marvel characters who pimp them.
    Fake pies have no place in this podcast.

    chain of consciousness incoming:

    - Intro music stamp of approval.
    - #teamRed
    - I sense an ultimate showdown in he works
    - wow that 'joke' just keeps on giving.
    - Ian, you nailed that pie review. For those of us not caught up on decades of pie literature, though, can we get a quick history of the featured pie as well?
    - wow. Yet more Rouge.
    - Thank you, Ian. Red is a much better Keller.
    - first, we charge the card
    - Bamf! Rescue, Bamf! Frenzy, and Bamf! Sword.
    - Oh, you mean Mike, from Alpha Flight? Yeah, I know him.
    - Ray, I must know, do you have options for alliance applications not on Reddit? I'm dying here
    - sign me up for a character voice
    - I hear you, man. My 'character out of battle healing rates' thread is a total ghost town. Ah well. It's a labor of love
    - we're giving orangutans a bad name, I see
    - thing is Ian, 2*s begat more hero points. Beget? Beget. Tenses: also for suckers
    - I had ISO, until I needed cyclops to be 209 for no good reason.
    - I recommend fidget cubes. The real ones from antsy, not that knockoff garbage.
  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
     after all the wisest use of the forum is to treat it like a public restroom 
    So, I come in, destroy a thread, and run out the door before anyone notices?  
  • Mitchjewitz
    Mitchjewitz Posts: 84 Match Maker
    Every character that is boosted also boosts damage on every power that does damage or puts special tiles.
    For this weeks characters two great teams for pve:
    For relatively lower leveled enemies: 3Thanos, Cloak and Dagger (5/3/5), and X23 (5/5/3) the last two true heal to keep up with thanos.
    For Hard nodes: C4rol, Rulk, and C&D (5/5/3) Use C&D to give black to Carol, Carol's strike tiles plus C&D's attack tiles are brutal, Rulk is Rulk and incase of emergency use yellow to trigger Carol's black immediately.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --I don't like Constantine as a main character in the comics or on TV. I do like him in small doses--that is, as a supporting character--so I enjoyed his appearances on Arrow.
    --Thank you for the PSA. Puerto Rico is in bad shape. Now the people of Las Vegas is in bad shape. This world is going down the metaphorical toilet so quickly. :(
    --The first Rouge joke--red v rouge--was funny. After that, the joke died quickly and soon became damned annoying. Please don't repeat it.
    --I can do without the Featured Pie of the Week. I do listen to a food-related podcast--FoodStuff--but that's not why I'm here.
    --Man, the online whining about SHIELD Training is annoying. Nobody has the right to complete every mission. Some missions are just for veteran players. This event is mainly for veterans. Stop the damned whining!
    --The Rogue and Friends vault is mostly "friends" as there's only one Rogue cover out of 80 possible pulls. 
    --I liked using the borrowed Rogue. She's neat. My own Rogue is, as I type this, 2/0/0. There's the one cover I earned from SHIELD Training and then I paid 120CP for a second cover.
    --Rumor has it that Gambit will be 3- and 5-star character releases. I'd rather it were Nightcrawler but that's just my preference.
    --Yay! Craig finally said Rogue. I think it was an accident but I'm still glad to hear it.
    --Ian is right. The Rouge thing is confusing (not so much) and unfunny (VERY true).
    --If we were to have another Wolverine, I'd want Weapon X--mostly naked and completely feral.
    --The new Pumped Up Characters segment is good.
    --I usually let A-Force Carol's countdown stay and put out the strike tiles. The exception is if I need to down an enemy quickly; then I'll use her yellow to make it go off ASAP.
    --My Vine had been a 14th Professor X cover. He's Champion'd now so I opened the 25 Latest Legends I'd been holding. Now I have cover #s 14 & 15 for Mister Fantastic; he's already up to level 200 on the way to being a Champion. I also have three blue Quake covers. Unfortunately, she's at 3/4/5. I have plenty of Command Points so if I can earn the ISO for both Mister Fantastic & Quake (who is at 209) in the next 13 days, I'll buy the cover I need to Champion her and apply those three Dying on the Vine blues.
    --Professor X, by the way, is my 34th 4-star Champion.
    --Rewards of the Week: Among those Latest Legend covers I opened were four of the newest Spidey plus a Doc Ock and a Daredevil. I now have all the characters again; with duplicates, I have 145 characters.
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    I don't know whether I should laugh or cry at the fact that Ian did more research with more attention  and care on his pie segment than anything  game-related.  (pecan "pee-can" pie reigns supreme)  Didn't Ian get his groove back a short time ago?  Will the new x-men and Apocalypse boss event help get his groove back?

    PS:  boosted characters is a good idea.  I would also like a "team of the week" where you try out a weird/new team and review synergy or discuss tips or something like when they would be useful. thanks! 
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,795 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess some people missed the memo on walls of text :D

    Anyway despite the effort on the Pie segment, the feature had one big error, Apple Pie should always be made with Bramley Apples only. Doing my own research, it seems America doesn't 'do' cooking apples. Shame on you. We import the excellent Empire apple from you, in return you should really use the Bramley :D

    Anyway onto happier things, really good to hear Ray (I think it was) state how good it was to have a challenge with the five star essential node. Refreshing to hear someone actually not want to batter through the nodes in 5 seconds and complain that every thing is too hard.

    The popularity of boss events are just on how easy they are, the last two where you could finish them in under 24 hours were loved. Do people actually not like playing the game?
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    things i've seen with the 5* essential:
    1.  way more team ups suggested and discussed
    2. strategy on what teams to use.
    3. my supply of boosts diminishing/being happy to get boosts
    4. the "puzzle" back in the puzzle quest
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Tony Foot said:

    The popularity of boss events are just on how easy they are, the last two where you could finish them in under 24 hours were loved. Do people actually not like playing the game?
    The reason I like boss events is two-fold. First, I like that they aren't competitive. Second, I like it bringing my alliance together towards a common goal.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards

    I haven't mentioned "Pinball PVE" in awhile .... 
    That was a great post.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,795 Chairperson of the Boards
    Never heard of Bramleys. Have heard but not seen Empires.
    Bramleys we grow as apples to be cooked, so there's nothing better in a pie.

    Empires are really new over here, originate from New York if I remember correctly and quite simply the best apple I have ever eaten. I think they are quite rare because they are not resilient to disease but since finding them last year I'm always pulling a sad face when my store has none in. I have to buy about 30 at a time because my son fights me for them.

    Without doubt the greatest export USA has produced!

    Yes I get your point about challenege and repetition, I'd gladly see a reduction in nodes and repeats and a few more single challenging ones. Like the boss node in Howard PVE but remove another node and actually make that boss node hard.