How do you level up your characters?

I'm the guy who puts focus on one guy then collects all the required ISO8 I need to take him / her from initial level to champion status in one chunk. I have never levelled a character up "little by little" and I refuse to use a character that isn't a champion.
I often don't care if I have an extra cover or not before champing.

How do you do it?
Level everyone up evenly a little by little?
Do you start using a character before he / she is a champion? 


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lukoil said:
    I level all characters so they can beat crash of the titan (level 150 usually) after that level - 150 - 266 in one shot.
    So you don't champ them? :P
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have 3 stages. 70-150, 150-240, 240-champion. They sit at each stage depending on how many covers they have. They will tend to sit at 240 until they have 13 covers. 
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker

    Prior to Vaulting I would look at the list of upcoming on crash of the titans then level up who was next (I would recommend this to anyone who is ¾ star transition as worked really well for me). This served me well until I got to the point where I had most of the 4 stars champed. Then vaulting kicked in and I started hoarding.


    Now, if I get a cover I need I will level up that toon as high as I can get them. Then wait. I was very lucky with the timing of it all tbh mainly due to my length of play and how I had structured my levelling beforehand.


    Now im just waiting for Oct 16th so I can pull the lot ( dr oct leaves ) I will have enough latest pulls (460) and iso (3mm +)to be able to level 3 5 stars from scratch and champ the 7 4 stars I have left that still need champing.


    After that……….. who knows.

  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Back during the 2* - 3* transition I was constrained by HP more than ISO, and I maxed every character as I got covers.  Now I basically wait until someone's going to be championed and level them all at once (and hope that I don't have multiple characters hitting 14 covers simultaneously).

    (although I did recently level both 4* Gamora and 4* R&G as much as I could just because I wanted to enjoy wrecking faces with them in DDQ)
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I budget 30K ISO per day to spend. Who I spend it on is dependent on what covers I have in the queue and whether an unchamped character is about to be an essential in PVE (like Mockingbird in the next PVE who is getting ISO today and tomorrow to get to her soft cap).
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    I always level a character enough to beat the Crash. After that, I tend to hoard so that I have enough to level whichever character ends up needing it to avoid wasting covers.

    I also tend to level the new character a few levels to give myself the slight health lead in new PvPs against loaners. But that usually costs almost nothing when you're bringing a character from 70 to 90 or something.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I usually focus on one.  I don't do it all in one shot.  I wait until I'm sure I'll make the Iso in time to beat expiration, then I spend what I've got to sort dedicate the resource, so I don't change my mind and decide to spend it on something else.  Then I bring them up as the Iso comes.

    I will bring them to mid-100s for Crash, or occasionally for their essential nodes if the boost list won't support the weak character.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    when I was in the 3-star tier I would champ them all in one shot of ISO.

    Now that I am working on my 4-stars I have a group at level 70 - typically brand new characters or characters I don't think are any good. I have a group at level 150 which are characters that are at or near 13 covers that I intend to champ and/or can handle DDQ Crash. After that I champ them at their 14th cover.

    I have two 4-stars short of 13 covers that I leveled to their softcap, Prof X and Wasp, because they have outstanding utility on certain teams.
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    I used to level them up to certain levels to more easily organize them.

    I eventually just evolved into leveling them as needed for PvE or Crash of the Titans.

    Nowadays I basically never level until they get 13 covers and I insta-champion.
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    I level them up 4 levels at a time so I can write down all the numbers from their abilities that scale. 

    ... Hi, I'm MPQ Jaedenkaal, and I have a spreadsheet problem.
    I used to level up my characters based on the match damage of their colors back in my 2* days.  I kept spreadsheets too.

    I started doing that in order to make sure that 2* Storm never matched anything if possible so I can keep her HP high in PvE and PvP runs.

    I stopped when I realized high PvP placement was impossible at the 2* level.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I should follow that up by mentioning that I do level my 4*s to about level 99. the ISO cost is tiny, and the ability numbers are frequently nice, round multiples of 125 that keeps my pattern-recognition happy. (X-23 is a really obvious example of this, if you're curious.) Also, by level 99 the ability damage/healing/whatever has increased by 35%, despite being only 15% of the way to 270, and having spent something like 5% of the ISO.

    I generally don't use them, but not on principle, merely because they're generally not as useful as even an unboosted champed 3*, and in the SCL-8 story events there's really no room for a level ~150 character; the easy nodes never get hard enough, and the hard ones start too hard, and get harder.

    I did end up using my 5/5/2 lvl 111 Cloak and Dagger in the last boss event because the black tile generation was REALLY good with... someone else boosted. I forget who.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I use a convoluted system but here are the broad strokes:
    - I level 4*s to their cap during/after their release PVP, and do so until they are at level 120
    - I level 5* characters (and while I had them, unchampioned Vintage 4*s) one level a week minimum
    - I give 2 levels to a non-championed character when I pull a cover for them (usable or not)
    - I give a number of levels for a character as they are buffed (typically 4 levels for a weekly buff or Story event essential, 1 level for a PVP with an alternate buff list like the out-of-season events)

    From there, I championed 4*s and my duplicate 2* and 3* champ farms as I can spare the ISO to avoid wasting covers.

  • drayviper32
    drayviper32 Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    I wait until I get 13 covers. Then I champ them.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    I park most 4* at level 150 for their crash.
    other than that I go directly to champ level, no steps in between
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    I'm in the odd position of having every fully covered 4* that  I own (48 I think?) championed already, which left me wondering what to do with my ISO while I wait for Doc Ock to rotate out so I can open my hoard.

    I started using a bit each day to slowly level up partly-covered 4*s to their current cap (technically the closest multiple of 5 to their cap. I hate it when somebody's level doesn't end in a 5 or a 0). I actually got my last unchamped 4, Fury, all the way to max bumping him 3-5 levels a day. Now I'm doing the same with my second generation of 3*s. The covers obviously come faster so they sometimes get covered before I finish leveling them, but it's a lot less painful spending 45k in one chunk than 120k.

    I'm also throwing a few levels into my 5*s here and there in the same way, though not nearly as many since they're pretty expensive right from the start. 

    I never spend more than I get that day unless it's to champ someone whose last cover I just got, so I've managed to amass a surplus of about 500k as well. It's nice knowing I'll be able to champ a couple of 4s right away without scrambling for a week when hoard opening day arrives.

  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Step 1: level up to 78 after their PVP event is over
    Step 2: level up to 120 when I decide I want to try to beat their Crash
    Step 2.5 (optional): level up to 150 when 120 is not good enough to beat the craah
    Step 3: level up to 270 in intervals of 10 levels. Do not stop work to level another character while leveling is in progress. 

  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    I softcap as a I go, unless it's a dupe. Dupes get champed from scratch all at once. 

    That being said, Cap and Banner need some love in the 5* tier from me Iso-wise. Banner needs over 400k alone and I just don't have the iso to spare, lol. 
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    I soft cap on release for the pvp event,so if I decide to use them, they will take an extra court death before I need to use a health pack, then once they are in line to be champed, I start putting iso in on a daily basis, so I'm not tempted to spend it on someone else.
    All older 4*s are Crash ready.