Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep108: Vulture soars to level 9

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
* Infinity season return test of the wins vs points method. 
* Power season will be short as well 
* New Store 
* Clearance lvl 9 


  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    - hurricane relief is big business, boys
    - Don't get me started on a rant, but boxing is fake, thanks Ian
    - Get ready to double down on that Psylocke love!
    - I'm worried about the SCL9 being introduced with Venom Bomb, one of the tougher PVEs
    - I'm learning not to HATE the wins PVPs method, but combined with BFF, one of the tougher PVPs, is a bad combo
    - My Devil Dino is 1/1/1 from selling him last anniversary, what can I get him up to for Anniversary?
    - 20 after the hour? Got some weather as well?
    - If I didn't have two birthday parties and a wedding this weekend, Craig...I'd think about it
    - I jerkily pronounce them "PEEEK-ins"
    - Ray is correct with this candy bar discussion, peanut butter cups trump all
    - my Vulture is level 168 5/4/3...unchamped...I feel dirty...
    - My vine is also loaded with two stars as well
    - No big rewards neither in the last seven days, maybe Quake from a Heroic counts?
    - I think all three of you should see mother! and report back next week
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --Once again, thank you for the PSA. I'm afraid that this one probably won't be the last hurricane-related PSA, especially since the Orangutang-in-Chief doesn't seem to care about Puerto Rico.
    --Cho's Crash wasn't bad. I don't have mine Champion'd and don't need to for this.
    --Is S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance Level 9 a challenge? Yes--and thank goodness. I like being challenged. The 5-star required node is the killer (remember when such nodes were labeled "deadly?") but doable at least once.
    --I like the different way of earning placement awards for PVP. Since I don't play for placement, I appreciate knowing that I can play for progression rewards and not lose ground by being attacked.
    --I'd play the heck out of DC Puzzle Quest. That doesn't mean I'd drop Marvel--I'd play them both!
    --Devil Dinosaur was my second 4-star Champion so any covers I earn this anniversary will be Champion levels. I'm A-OK with that.
    --I'm still hoarding Command Points and Legendary tokens because I can't afford the ISO for anybody who may need to be level'd and Champion'd. Right now, I'm saving ISO to Champion Professor X because I have 14th cover for him.
    --I absolutely would help Craig sort his comics except that I live on the opposite side of the country.
    --Craig doesn't sound aware that Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (later shortened to just Spectacular Spider-Man) preceded Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham by many years. I'm willing to give Peter Porker stories a big break since they were part of the Star line of comics from Marvel--aimed at 6-8 year olds.
    --Nice Mallrats reference.
    --My Battery Bird is, sadly, not even close to Champion status yet. I sure look forward to it, though.
    --I am SUPER interested in what is going to take the place of Featured Character of the Week!

    --I'm not a big fan of Jim Carrey as a comedian but, damn, he's great in dramatic roles.
    --Real life Bag-Man? So his powers are good but cost too much?