New Types of Tabs and other Improvements

I am pretty sure some of what I am going to bring up has been discussed before, maybe even all of them. I have been playing for just over 500 days. I have championed all of my 2 and 3 stars. I have championed 20 of my 4 stars and have all but 10 of the rest of my 4 stars that are championable. I have all the 5 stars except DD. I play the game on a daily basis and enjoy it very much. I have seen several areas where improvement is needed to make it even better and allow for play at any time not just at "optimal pve" times or "optimal pvp" times. Sure it can be argued that players can play anytime, however the majority of serious players just play at certain times and I would like to see those times expanded for the benefit of the company and the players. I would love to see the company start to use the Sam Walton business model. Sam Walton believed that if your customers were happy you would make more money and thus his company became the largest in the world. The company that stands in his company's place is a sad shell of the customer friendly business he built. I have no grand illusions that my suggestions will change much, if anything, however; they will change nothing if I do not try.

1) Live PvP: a tab where you battle people in real time of your own shield rank. I.E. if you are level 50 you can only fight other level 50 players. Or make it a range of 5 levels working back from 125. 125-121 would be the highest bracket and so on. Rewards could be modest 500 iso and 5 xp per match. You could also be able to talk to your opponent. Limiting factor: would it be to size restrictive for a mobile game?

2) Second SIM: where you pick your opponents to try character combinations. Very minimum rewards 50 iso and 1 xp per match. This would give you a training ground to figure out how to fight a particularly tough boss, including non-playable bosses. Give new players a chance to hone skills. Give people who enjoy playing something to play while waiting for optimal pve, the right time to start PvP climbs, etc... Give you options of setting your opponent strengths and powers. Again limiting factor size restrictive for a mobile game?

3) Second Story Arc besides Dark Avengers: Pick one from the world of Marvel: Agents of Shield(Hydra), Secret Invasion, Civil War, Any of the X-Men stories, etc... start with a prologue and only allow players to use 1 star, 2 star, 3 star, 4 star, 5 star characters at certain intervals. Players would keep their current rosters. Negatives: size restrictive and would devs want to keep up with 2 story lines.

4) Remove Thanos as a playable character: He is a Alpha level villain such as Ultron, Galactus, Kiclilius, Sinister Six, Etc. Yes, I realize the Sinister six are playable but not in their Sinister six form. Give players colorless covers for their first 13 covers and 1 additional for every 5 covers after 13 to be used however they want for both the 5 and 3 star Thanos. Right now with 5 star Thanos pve events it is just who has the highest level 5 star Thanos. It has very little to do with strategy. Also, with the up coming Infinity War movie imagine the boss event with Thanos and his children. Thanos as the boss and his children as part of each node to get back to Thanos. That would be an event I would look forward to.

5) Open up the prologue once a week once players reach Clearance Level 5: Allow them to replay for iso and tokens based on their CL. No need for progression rewards or placement rewards. Just rewards for clearing just like you received when you first started the game. Only allow certain star level characters in each part of the prologue. Making players use different characters that they don't normally use. This is something they could play at their own pace throughout the week and not feel rushed. Kind of like Crush of the Titans.

6) Utilize affiliations for bonus powers: You do this on a limited basis now with Iron Fist and Luke Cage as well as Mr. Fantastic. But expand it to include the affiliations that characters are a part of such as: Inhumans, Agents of Shield, Hydra, X-Force, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, Team Cap, Team Iron Man, Heroes, Villains, Fantastic Four, Defenders, Asgardians, Mutants, Magic Users, Royalty, Assassins, etc... The possibilities are endless. There could be special bonuses for using members of these affiliations. You could also give added bonus for using the leaders of each affiliation on the team, if there is on: Captain America, Iron Man, Black Bolt, etc... Again giving players reasons for playing characters that are not getting played very often.

7) Please stop duplicating characters. I know you are tying into Marvel properties and to some extent you will continue. But there are so many wonderful characters out there that would expand the game to new heights. I could list well over 100, but I will refrain. We the players see duplicate players as laziness. I personally know it has to do with time deadlines and ease of code writing and things of that nature. As well as working with tie ins to upcoming movies and shows. I also understand there are behind the scene contract issues that have to be navigated, but please communicate those things with us. Be a Sam Walton type Leader and keep us informed not just a bunch of mushrooms and kept in the dark.

8) Could you please make the game cross compatible between mobile devices and pc's. It would be very nice to be able to come home and play at my computer instead of on my phone in the evenings. This is a very annoying inconvenience. I have heard from many people that feel this way.

9) Lastly, there needs to be a currency exchange system since this is suppose to be a free to play game. I know several people that do not have the means to purchase iso, hp, or cp and find themselves very upset because they are languishing. You have done a tremendous job of helping the cp problem the game once had. If you could in some way allow for currency exchange between the 3 currencies that would be extremely helpful for so many people. I do also believe it would up people purchase rates. Here is my logic. If your exchange rate was 1 cp= 100 hp= 1000 iso think about the people who do purchase now that would be purchasing even more. And the benefit to the people who can't purchase, how much more they would spread the game word of mouth. Win, win, win!!!!!

Sincerely, thank you for your time working on the only game that I play. Thank you for working hard to do your best to make a game that so many of us enjoy playing on a daily basis. Please understand that we are all on the same page of wanting to make this game the best that it can possibly be. And finally, please keep up your good work!