Customer Service Failure

MrCroaker64 Posts: 70 Match Maker
edited September 2017 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
(Caution: Extremely Long Post ... You Have Been Warned)


I am a long time player of this game. Today, I hit day 1231 on the daily resupply. I have made several purchases in the past and have been a VIP member for the last 6 months (more or less). In that time I have only contacted CS three (3) times that I can recall. The first two (2) were general requests, which were denied. No big deal, that's how things go. But this time I was quite frustrated with the responses. I am going to paste the E-mail chain and point out my concerns.

Initial E-mail:
I have been leveling up my 5* covers and have noticed that level 272 costs twice as much ISO as levels 271 or 273. I was wondering if this was by design or if it was a bug?

Initial Response:

Redacted - Ducky
My Reply:

Thank you for the response, but I feel like this is a boiler plate answer.

I currently have 18 5* characters. My current plan is to take all of them to level 275. I have already gotten 13 of my characters to that level. By the time I am done, I will have spent 33,012 more ISO than it seems I should have. That is not a game changing amount, but is is about half of what I would need to max level a 2* from base.

It would seem that this has been an issue for at least a short period of time since you say that it is a known issue. So, my next question is not about refunding the ISO as you might expect, but rather how many other levels are experiencing this same problem?

For quite some time now I have been receiving enough ISO to simply save up and max level a 2* or 3* from base by using the "Max Level" button. Are any of those levels costing more than they should? If so, how many thousands of ISO have I lost in that process? To a lesser extent, I also level my 4*'s that way. Am I losing ISO there as well?

I would really like to get a response that does not appear to be cut and paste from a script somewhere.

CS 2nd Response:

Redacted - Ducky
  So, here is where I am at with this. I came across a situation (Please see initial E-mail) that could have been a bug. I searched the forums, and while I admit I could have missed it, I did not see any posts about this particular issue. I reported it to CS to find out if it was a bug that needed to be reported or not. If it was by design, that's fine. If it was a bug, I would expect the report to go up the chain to the developers.

CS response (Please see bolded area of Initial Response) is that this is a known problem. If they had stopped there and said it was by design, I would have no issue. But they go on to say that it won't "negatively effect" the amount of ISO needed. This is obviously untrue, as I am using twice as much ISO to reach Level 272 as I used to reach either level 271 or 273. And that a fix will be available "Soon", indicating that this was not by design.

My response (Please see bolded area of My Reply). I tell them again that I am leveling 5* characters, and specifically state that I am not looking for any type of refund. But I would like to know where else the game is taking more ISO from me than I would expect.

CS Final Response (Please see bolded area of CS 2nd Response). They say "No relevant information" is overlooked. I am assuming that since they did not respond to my question, and made assumptions on what I wanted, that my E-mails to them were considered irrelevant. The way I read the second area is that this is a known issue, it is an anomaly, but it is apparently also by design? And they talk about compensation, which I never asked for. The third section was the worst. No telling how many levels have this glitch? Than how do they know if this is "Negatively Effecting" the player base or not. Plus, it generally only effects "Older characters"? I stated in the beginning I was leveling 5*. I can give them OML and Phoenix. But do they really consider 5* Daredevil and Doc Ock as "Older characters"?

I am posting this in Feedback and Suggestions because that is all this is. I am not asking, nor frankly expecting, you to do anything about this. My Feedback? Thoroughly Unsatisfied.  My Suggestion? The company needs to revamp their Customer Service department, or hire people that are actually interested in doing the job. Keep in mind that for the vast majority of your customers, their first (and probably only) point of contact with your company is Customer Service and this illustrates what a joke that department is.

My apologies for writing a book, but if you have read this far I thank you and hope that you add this to what I am sure is a long list of "Suggestions" on how to improve your Customer Service department.



 If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.
 To me, this was just a slap in the face.

***Removed CS email Copy/Paste as it is against the rules. - Ducky


  • SupermanTampa
    SupermanTampa Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Customer Service is the worse that I have ever had to deal with. I've had to contact them several times and they always ask for information that I can't give them. Example, need screen shots of the error, give names of all enemies you were playing against, etc.

    They act like it's the user's fault that the game screwed up. I'd post their replies but it looks like they would just get removed.
  • Platty616
    Platty616 Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    I agree they are useless, I have emailed in asking a specific question, including my username, device and operating system I'm playing on. They reply with a generic 'sorry for any inconvenience' saying they need my username, device and operating system to open an investigation, even though it was all there in first email, which was a question, and not a comment. :neutral: