ISO for 300 LT pulls

Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards
Somehow while avoiding pulling tokens so as not to waste covers or already having the latest 12 champed I managed to back myself into a position of being a couple of months from 300 pulls LT. I figure I may as well have a go at this, even though I love 4* world.

What's the recommended amount of ISO to maximise covers? I imagine it's much harder now the classics are back in the pot. I have saved up 2.5m so far, I'm 3 months out max, LT's are falling like rain now my 3* are all punting them out in the 220-250 range.

Most pleasing is how my latest 12 are still covering themselves despite not pulling a classic or LT.

Thanks for any advice :smile:


  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards
    So I need to save around 4.5m then really to be quite safe. I guess if I got desperate I could not champ the 5 stars and pour it into the four stars and resave for the 5s.

    I wish I could have gotten the done before unvaulting. 
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also three is no need to pull the full hoard unless the 5* you want is about to leave the packs. So you might pull some tokens and reassess the resources. Also there is no real pressure to champion 5* immediately if you are still in the 4* land. In general you should stop pulling the hoard as soon as you have enough covers to get all 3 latest 5* at 13 covers (basically 39 5* pulls as the customer support should reshuffle them the way you need when all is said and done). Then you can park them at max cover unleveled until you decide to jump into 5* land (and there is no way going back).  
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    They won't shuffle 5* covers to different characters and so if you cover one character very quickly and before the other 2 in packs then you may have to level that 5* to avoid wasting their dupe covers. I was pushed into 5* land this way (3 dupe Panther covers)
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,141 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    They won't shuffle 5* covers to different characters and so if you cover one character very quickly and before the other 2 in packs then you may have to level that 5* to avoid wasting their dupe covers. I was pushed into 5* land this way (3 dupe Panther covers)
    Is this a recent change? Through RNGesus, I ended up with seven of 5trange's blue covers while he was still in the Latest Legends. I contacted Customer Service, and I got the two duplicate covers switched to (pre-nerf) OML covers. That's still the only red OML cover I've ever received.

    I'm still in the midst of champing 4-stars, so my ISO deficit for the 5-star characters to get them up to their max levels (none of them are 13-covers) is about 1.8M. OML is at 300, and the rest are still in the 255-290 range, which is where my highest 4-stars are.
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    edited September 2017
    The CS reply said my Panther would have to be level 550 (i.e. fully champed so the dupe cover is "unusable") before they would swap (in this case to Hawkeye or SL)

    edit: just to be clear the only swap would be if I drew a 6th cover in one colour they would swap to another colour of same character)

    I think you were lucky / got allocated a CS person who had just won the lottery, got engaged that morning etc
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    The CS reply said my Panther would have to be level 550 (i.e. fully champed so the dupe cover is "unusable") before they would swap (in this case to Hawkeye or SL)

    edit: just to be clear the only swap would be if I drew a 6th cover in one colour they would swap to another colour of same character)

    I think you were lucky / got allocated a CS person who had just won the lottery, got engaged that morning etc
    Or maybe it was the CS' first day.  ;). They will only switch for the same cover with a sub-13 cover character (can't reshuffle after you have 13; need to champ at that point).  This is the official policy for a practice that is only known to a few....which "may stop at any time".
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is new to me as well. I was certain that you can swap in the Latest legends realm (while also hearing the cases when they were swapped for other 5*). 
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    I would be very happy to be wrong!
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    Sounds like they occasionally make exceptions, but the normal policy is that they only swap latest for a different cover of the same character.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,141 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pants1000 said:
    Sounds like they occasionally make exceptions, but the normal policy is that they only swap latest for a different cover of the same character.
    If that were true, then I guess my Strange would be a 5/4/4 now, and needing about 550K to champ.  Meanwhile,  I'd still be waiting for my first OML red cover.  I won't have to worry about this issue again.
  • xKOBALTx
    xKOBALTx Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker
    They either updated the policy or decided to strictly enforce it during the Thanos/Panther/Hawkeye trio. I know of several people who were able to trade 6th plus covers for other characters prior to that point (like the Dr. Strange to OML example above).

    From that point until now it works exactly as IlDuderino describes above: they will only exchange 6th or more covers to the same character unless it is a max champed 550. I don't know anyone that has received an exception to that rule since the update/clampdown.

    I opened my LT hoard during that trio expecting the former and had to end up adjusting my plans to the latter. Be prepared to champ those 5's.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Question: What if the 5* is not able to be champed? Say I had a 2/12/1 Spider Man. Would they at least let me exchange covers until I got to a 13 cover build? 
  • xKOBALTx
    xKOBALTx Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker
    Beer40 said:
    Question: What if the 5* is not able to be champed? Say I had a 2/12/1 Spider Man. Would they at least let me exchange covers until I got to a 13 cover build? 
    Yes, that's exactly what they're willing to do. You could request to swap five of those extra green covers for three blue and two red as example. That would leave your Spidey "complete" at 5/7/3. It's those two left over green covers that they won't do anything about (like trade to another character), unless you've got a max champ (ha!). For those two covers you'll need to champ, sell, or roster separately. 
  • TimGunn
    TimGunn Posts: 257 Mover and Shaker
    i'm coming up on a 300 hoard as well.  my thinking

    1. i'll stop opening when i have all the latest 5-stars fully covered.  So worst case, I'd have two 5-stars that need to be champed before cards expire

    2. i make around 300k ISO a week, so I can safely earn enough ISO for the second 5-star before the covers expire

    3. so i need an ISO hoard of 500k minimum before I open.  And in a pinch, I can sell my dupe 3-stars.  Have 6 currently. 

    And agree with the folks saying you can spread out pulls a little to help you manage ISO needs. 

    ALSO, I would recommend setting your BH as one of the Latest Legends chars.  Customer service will switch the color of the latest legends, including ones you draw as BH.  They won't help if you draw a 6th green on Black Bolt.  
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards

    To the have enough iso to champ 3x 5s. Great.

    Wait until a new release moves into tokens. Then open until you cant use something. Stop. Do whatever needs doing to use that cover. Resume opening. Rinse and repeat.

    You have 6wks to 2 months to finish the 5s. So your current iso stash, plus several more weeks worth, plus all the champ rewards along the way.

    Take your time. Enjoy the ride.

    Thanks all for the advice, by saying open until I can't use something, you mean 5*? I accept I may have to waste some 4*s. I thought I'd be best to pull until I had all three done or I risk more dilution by having one leave? Or are you suggesting I'm best pulling until I get one then fall back regroup and go again another time even if one then moves on that I have 6 or 7 covers for?
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,496 Chairperson of the Boards

    And dont worry about a 5* sneaking in unannounced....they wouldnt do that right? (ha). New releases dont hit tokens for a couple weeks post their debut. Wait for SL and Ock to be replaced and start opening. You can probably hoard til Nov, then have til Christmas to cover the 3 Latests, champing 4s all the while.

    Unless they hit us with surprises during the Anniversary....or the Ragnarok release.... Or Christmas....
    While the devs do change things up sometimes, since introducing OML in SS in Sept '15, they have basically stuck to a 6-8 week 5* release cycle.  The biggest exception was Civil War, with 5* Cap and IM releases at the same time.  After that they had 10 weeks with no new 5, so that suggests plenty of time to pull if they drop 2.   I would be most suspicious of timing surrounding Thor Ragnarok in Nov, but there have been plenty of movies with just one 5* since Civil War 1 1/2 years ago.  A 5/3 is more likely than double 5's, I think, based on recent releases.