What happens to cheaters/What does "sandboxing" mean?

I've seen references to cheaters (people who've hacked the program to get unlimited ISO and HP) being "sandboxed" but I don't quite understand what that means. Could some one please give me a brief explanation? Just curious, not planning on cheating myself (the game wouldn't be fun anymore).



  • Duffman85 wrote:
    I've seen references to cheaters (people who've hacked the program to get unlimited ISO and HP) being "sandboxed" but I don't quite understand what that means. Could some one please give me a brief explanation? Just curious, not planning on cheating myself (the game wouldn't be fun anymore).


    They get stuck in their own little parallel gaming universe where no one can interact with them. They may show up on their own rankings, but not anyone elses. No one will attack them; when they attack other people it doesn't affect the other person's score. If they win a tournament, they get the prize, but the person they have as #2 "really" won and gets the prize as well. They're basically invisible and intangible to other players.

    Also, they can't join an alliance.
  • See previous discussion: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5980