System reboot - why no info??!?

A major new event, unlike anything before, and the Devs are....silent. Some info on how it works, what the rewards are, etc, would be nice. Even just how many nodes there are would be appreciated! At this point, all I'm seeing is increasingly difficult nodes, with pitiful payouts. What gives???


  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Seems like System Reboot is the new Gauntlet, except easier, shorter, and with better rewards, and also doesn't take over a spot for a regular PvE.  Basically the perfect version of Gauntlet.

    That said, since the express purpose of this event was for people to test out the new versions of KP and GR, I'm going to go ahead and offer my feedback: what they did to KP's black is criminal.  The *whole point* of his ability set is to get yellow to feed black, but now you're super punished for that under a lot of different scenarios, and in any case, you just can't spam an 8AP power like you can spam a 6AP power.  It just doesn't work.

    I can't tell you how many times I had one more enemy to kill, used KP's yellow into black, and grumbled about the wasted CDs that got destroyed to do nothing.  It's frustrating, feel-bad design and I hate it.  And since you can't even fire the ability at all without CDs on the board, you're forced into it to make his black do anything at all.  Even having SWitch on my team didn't prevent multiple feel-bad moments from happening, where KP just didn't do what he was supposed to do because his abilities are so clunky now.

    I don't like the changes to GR, either, for similar but less extreme reasons.  His green is supposed to be a big payoff for jumping through really a lot of hoops, but 90% of the time, once I finally actually got his green to the point where it was scary, it didn't matter anymore.  This is from the perspective of a 3* player, but I was going out of my way to make his green as useful as possible, and it served fine as a random mediocre nuke, but the whole concept of getting it to the point of being a scary spammable aoe just didn't come up.  Something ought to be different.  I guess you could have given us a couple of wave nodes to try him out in longer matches.  He might have done a little more to impress there.

    Anyway, GR's changes are lame, but KP's are just awful, and my real point here is that, while it might be the case that making GR really good would be exciting for me because he's one of my only max covered 4*s, KP's changes are the ones that really need to be redone.  KP is now frustrating to play, and regardless of any other buffs he may have gotten, none of them are going to make up for the raw bad design and unfun-ness of his black.
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Vulture/R&GII/Cage node is not much fun 
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    All done, lotsa XP and ISO. Two covers I could use. Overall nice!
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    A description of the event was included at the end of the first post in the Space Gem Season Character Updates thread. If you already know that the event is related to trying out updated versions of characters, that makes sense.  But given that it is a new event, perhaps it would have been nice to add a pointer in this forum.
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    qandols said:
    The Vulture/R&GII/Cage node is not much fun 
    This is what I'm up to now .... any team tips?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kill Vulture first.
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    qandols said:
    The Vulture/R&GII/Cage node is not much fun 
    This is what I'm up to now .... any team tips?
    Not sure who you might have but I countered with my own R&GII, StarLord4 and Carol4.  Worked well.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    qandols said:
    The Vulture/R&GII/Cage node is not much fun 
    This is what I'm up to now .... any team tips?
    I didn't put a lot of thought into it.  I played it with Ghost Rider/Kingpin/3Strange because the point of the event was to test the changes.  Might want to try it out, the buffedness of those 4*s ought to be enough to overcome pretty much everyone in every node, even if they're only partially leveled.
  • DarqFeonix
    DarqFeonix Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    qandols said:
    The Vulture/R&GII/Cage node is not much fun 
    This is what I'm up to now .... any team tips?
    If you have some covers for 5* BSSM, his passive in Nerfing strike tiles is a big help against Gr4coon.  But yeah, as someone else said, take out Vulture first and foremost.
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    I ended up going with the old standard of carol/blade/medusa. Had to use some healthpacks but didn't lose any matches
  • Hyposphere6234
    Hyposphere6234 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
    Elektra\X-23\Dr. Ock was the worst node for me, they took out two "go-to" teams because of Elektra's black damage reduction\damage causing\AP gain abilities.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    qandols said:
    The Vulture/R&GII/Cage node is not much fun 
    This is what I'm up to now .... any team tips?
    Not sure who you might have but I countered with my own R&GII, StarLord4 and Carol4.  Worked well.
    I used Ghost Rider and Kingpin, but my third was none other than Ant Man!!! I stole Luke cage's protect tiles on four straight turns thanks to Ant Man's blue. Kingpin's Black turning into an AoE damage really did a number on the other team.
  • janderlick
    janderlick Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Dormammu said:
    I like it. Nice place to try out some new t myhings against worthwhile opponents without having to worry about speed, placement, etc. The ISO prizes are worth it and this is all on top of a boss event and a PvP event running at the same time; between Galactus, scoring some points in the new season, and System Reboot I've had one of the most casual, laid back evenings of MPQ that I've ever had - and I've really enjoyed it.
    Totally agree. I'm not a PVP player and don't think I ever will be if this weekend is the new normal. System Reboot was awesome and awards we're great. I just want to play this game at my leisure and get progression rewards. Too much life outside MPQ to time my "climbs" and "clears" perfectly.
  • Mikey Boy
    Mikey Boy Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    How many nodes are there in the event?
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,435 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mikey Boy said:
    How many nodes are there in the event?
    2 initial required character nodes (1 with Kingpin, 1 with Ghostrider) where you get a loaner if you don't have  the required.
    Then 12 nodes where you can use any hero set. The final 2 (11 and 12) give a Kingpin and Ghostrider cover.
    Then 2 final character nodes where you have to use your Kingpin and Ghostrider.

  • ABaker84
    ABaker84 Posts: 90 Match Maker
    Is this going to be a recurring event, kinda like DDQ? Cause that would be awesome. This would definitely help the Iso shortage, not to mention the extra covers. Or is it just because these characters got a rework?