Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep104: The Devil and Miss Natchios

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker

* Defenders Release events
* Space Season changes 
* 2 new characters Daredevil & Elektra 


  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    - Ray was busy building a fort, it would seem
    - Eclipses are for suckers
    - The Blade crash versus Medusa was no issue, wondering who will be Luke Cage's Crash opponent? Maybe new Kingpin?
    - Did I miss the memo about this kayfabery of Blade's name?
    - Sorry for not sending the email re: the next Crash
    - Very excited for the return of the Big G
    - Given his proclivities for signing, surprised Craig isn't a Rhinestone fan
    - Hashtag burning rubber on a roll
    - I think new Daredevil's healing is to represent his resiliency? I got nothing...
    - My Cloak & Dagger are level 278 4/4/5. I rarely use them, sadly
    - My vine is clear for the second time in as many weeks
    - I was gonna say my reward of the week was a the 1:4 classics glitch, but I pulled THREE Bag-Man covers today!
  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    I would like to know if Craig has an unreasonable hatred for 4* Rocket & Groot. Their blue power shows them firing a futuristic Gatling gun but then simply placing a countdown tile that generates attack tiles. This is very reminiscent of Craig's nemesis, War Machine.

    Also, I tried out the Goblin/5* Hawkeye/Coulson team - it think it was from @fahq1977 - mentioned on the previous episode. Although my 5*s are not well covered, I can confirm that it is very effective and fairly ridiculous. The only problem is that you have to sit through a LOT of banners and animations every turn once it's rolling.

  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    For a quick second, I thought the thread title read "The Devil IN Miss Natchios". Obviously another hit Marvel MAX title in the works. 
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --Thank you again for the PW3 PSA.
    --Where has the Summer gone? Oregon. It's too damn hot here.
    --The Galactus event led to a very rare occurrence for me: I had to kick an alliance member. We only have two requirements: that members play at least once every five days and that participating in alliance events is mandatory. One person joined the event but hadn't scored ANY points by day two.
    --I don't tend to do a lot of PVP. These Defenders PVP events are going well for me, though. The 4-star versions of Luke & Danny work so well together that even I can do OK with them. I'm not like top ten or anything but that I've been in the top 100 is kind of amazing to me.
    --My favorite Stallone movie is Oscar. I love that film.
    --The Kingpin changes came as a surprise to me, too, as I thought he was already considered decent. I don't have him fully cover'd although System Reboot helped with that.
    --I guess Ghost Rider is better. His red & green still aren't great but it's nice that his GOOD power, black, costs even less now. There are so many far better characters, though, that I didn't even have any wins using Ghost Rider versus Galactus. (The Forgotten Character was my MVP.)
    --I'm not super impressed with 3-star Elektra but I think I would have been if I were still a 3-star player.
    --Out of two tokens, I did not receive a 5-star Daredevil cover. Oh, well. He'll show up on my roster eventually.
    --Stick taught Matt tai-kwon-leep. Boot to the head!
    --Here's your chance to bring up the grey Iron Man 2-star again. I fully support this idea.
    --Do Humble Bundles bounce?
    --I think Cloak & Dagger have an interesting power set and I have them Champion'd--but I don't ever use them except the rare occasion when they're required.
    --I have a black Fantastic dying on the vine. He's not even close to fully-cover'd but I'm maxed out on black.
    --I do have two fully-cover'd 4-stars but I'm not working on ISO for them. I've been neglecting my 2-star farm so I'm working on them now. I also have my duplicate 3-star Hulk ready to Champion.
    --Gratz on your Bonus Hero, Craig.