Hi Everyone,
Here is some more information about the Galactus Hungers event that starts tomorrow!
Update: Added Hornhead Legendary Store detailsEvent Details

Event Stores
- Galactus Hungers Cover Store
- Increased odds to get
Blade (Modern), Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange), and Hawkeye (Modern)
- There's an increased
chance to get the latest 12 4-Stars.
- Matt Murdock Limited Vault
- 40 items
- 1 Hornhead Legendary
- 1 random 4-Star cover
- 3 Daredevil (Man
Without Fear) covers (one of each)
- 6 Heroic tokens
- 4x 2,500 Iso-8
- 6x 1,000 Iso-8
- 5x 500 Iso-8
- 14 Random 2-Star covers
- Hornhead Legendary Store *New Update*
- 5% chance each to get a
Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), or Black Panther
(Civil War) cover
- 85% chance to get a
- 42.5% chance to get a
Latest 4-Star
- 42.5% chance to get a
Vintage 4-Star