4* DDQ: Blade vs Medusa

BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
No problems for lv276 5/5/3 Blade. I got to 11 Red AP quite quickly, and Bloodlusted Medusa to the ground. I think that should be the best strategy: get as many Red AP as you can as quickly as possible. It doesn't hurt to create some strike tiles, but Medusa will heal if they are matched away, plus she can steal them with her hair. Just keep an eye on her purple AP. Her powers seem to be at 3/3/3 as well. Or at least no higher than 3 covers. Plus you have Blade's Green is a backup option for damage, plus healing if you have at least 7 Red AP

LT got me Sandman Green to put him at 1/2/4


  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    Champed Blade, no issues. I didn't wait for strikes, I went right after red tiles to get his bloodlust going. 3-4 jumps later Medusa was all tangled up
  • thechairman
    thechairman Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    5/4/3 lvl 229. Focused on collecting red and avoiding the countdown. Took a while to trigger bloodlust, but was never in any danger.

    Yellow Thing to 1/4/3, probably my least desired usable cover in all of 4* land, but the additional health from levels may put me over the hump for his crash
  • rocks52
    rocks52 Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    Lv 277 5/5/3 Blade. Lucked into a several match cascade first turn which included a red match-5.  By turn 2, he was already using The Bloodlust and turn 4 I downed her with Tools. 

    LT gave me a wasted red war machine but also a bonus red Drax bringing him to 2/2/2

    @BlackBoltRocks, if Medusa matches enemy special tiles, she gains random AP, not health
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    Medusa kept matching red, so it took a while to get Bloodlust going. Once I did, it was over in a couple of turns.

    LT got me a 5* Peter Parker Spidey green. That's my first for him, so 5* Cap is now the only 2* or above character I'm missing. Well, not counting 3* Elektra, who will be incoming any day.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 277 1st try.

    For most of the game RNG was trolling the **** out of me by giving Medusa red cascades while I got green and black matches. Saved up 20 green by the time I got 9 red so after 1 bloodlust and 2 greens she was dead.

    LT gave me a Blue Gamora cover to make her 2/9/2  :#
  • BillyPilgrim
    BillyPilgrim Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    lvl 120 2/3/4
    +2 all colors +2 red color

    2nd try. A little luck with special tiles to avoid Medusa healing and good board configuration
  • Dataspectre
    Dataspectre Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    won first try, 5/5/3 L275, no boosts

    Collected 15 reds in 4 turns, she stands no chance.

    LT saved

  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Champ Blade, 273, first try, only had to fire green at the end to finish her off. There was enough red on the board from turn #1 that I had 4 or 5 strikes on the board by the time she matched away enough red to stop it; she never got off her purple to steal any so no problemo.

    Champ Medusa level with the token, appropriately enough.
  • TheHungryPet
    TheHungryPet Posts: 229 Tile Toppler
    Champ Blade 273, no boosts, first attempt. What a satisfying match - I hate Medusa with a passion. Didn't wait for strike tiles as she would have snatched them anyway. Matched red as soon as it popped up, match was pretty much over the moment Bloodlust triggered. 

    Token to the hoard!
  • PresidentDoom2020
    PresidentDoom2020 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    3/4/3 boosted 209 Blade

    this was a very awkward fight but ultimately I won by just having higher DPS

    LT was a 5* Doc Ock and I won't be keeping it
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    5/5/3 lv272. +2 red/yellow stockpile.

    Added the 2 red at the start so that either a red match 4 or an extra red off a different match 4 would get bloodlust triggered sooner.

    Lucked into a match 4 red at the start followed by 2 more red matches. Quick fight easy win.

    Token to the hoard.
  • Jesus Jones
    Jesus Jones Posts: 182 Tile Toppler

    L188, 2/2/5, collected 25 red and it was on like Donkey Kong!

  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    A red-starved board for a while meant she got off two Hair Meddles before I could get Red to 9 and pop off the Tools I had been saving. No problems from there.

    LT became Riri but the other LT from last night (end of season champ level) became a Doc Ock.
  • lancemanion
    lancemanion Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    L188, 3/3/3, no boosts.  1st try.  Started with a red 5* match.  Got Iron Fist (Danny Rand).  Only the second Crash I've been able to beat.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Essentially no problems for my Level 291 5/5/3 Bl4de. First try, no boosts. She did luck into a cascade though, which allowed her to do Hair Meddle and flip one of my strike tiles and match away her own CD for the attack tiles. I did get Bloodlust going though, and it didn't last much longer after that. Finished with about 7950 health. Token to the hoard. 
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    First try with 5/2/5 lvl 250 blade. Like many comments above I had a red 5match to start and had bloodlust going by my fourth turn.
    LT was a Kate bishop black to make her 2/5/2
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    Not difficult, but annoying. Medusa matched out her CD tile at least 4 times before I got the win, but with its low rank, I was never in any real danger from the many attack tiles she put on the board. Over shortly after getting to 9 red. Another token to the hoard. Just working on the 5 oldest (2/5/5 Elektra the only one not currently getting finished by Champ rewards or resupply, but 3lektra might change that if the Prodigal Sun vault doesn't) before making any large number of pulls.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,436 Chairperson of the Boards
    Trivial battle for my 270 Blade. I just focused on Red and Black and avoided her tiles and battle was maybe 10 turns total before Bloodlust killed her.

    Got a champion level for 4Carol.


  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pretty sketchy for my 2/0/5 Bl4de. First try, I forgot to use any buffs, and also didn't notice that he was still down at like Lvl96 or something. Dumped some ISO into him, went to town on the boosts, and got it on the second try. Token was a very welcome Thor red.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2017

    First try I did it without buffs to get a sense of a fight I assumed would be impossible.  I tried to farm green on a red-starved board and...it did not go well.

    Second try, +4 red ap and boosted red match damage, cascades matched away 3 or 4 cds and wrecked me in short order.

    Third try, same boosts, but things went fine and I got to bloodlust without much fuss, and was able to maintain it long enough to take her down.

    Got a 5* blue Spidey for my trouble.  Now I can make web tiles!