Misleading error message when firing Mordo's purple against a team with no coloured AP [Devs Aware]

jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
I noticed this while playing the She-Hulk tournament.  I had triple-cast She-Hulk's green to drain the enemy of AP, and then cast Mordo's purple.  The following error showed up:

Your team doesn't have enough AP to use that power!

Of course, it is the enemy team that doesn't have enough AP for my power to actually do damage: I had enough AP to theoretically use the power.

[and yes, I realise it would have made more sense to use Mordo's power first]

//Edited Title -Brigby


  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    @jamesh Keen observation! Thanks for the info. I'll pass it along to the developers, and they'll see what they can do about clarifying the description.