Single player and chat. Plus a few others

SandTiger Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
New player here. Glad to see this game is still going after a few years, and that it's still being supported. But the UI looks the same as it did when I first tried (had to quit shortly) this game when it first came out. No new options really since then it seems, just more characters.

Firstly I would like to see an improved chat. There is no global chat, or even chat channels. The ability to send private messages would be nice. Commander chat would be decent.

More single player options would be nice. I mean, I finished the main campaign in a week. PVE is fun, but I can't enter PVP yet. I can win mayyyybe 2 pvp matches? So why not a single player option? The rewards don't even have to be good. Maybe just do a daily rotating single player where there are 3 random champs boosted, that let the player test out new champs. Make it a max 3 rounds daily. with rewards like 100,200,300 ISO. Long term players may not find it worth playing, but new players would enjoy it.

Alliances need some work too. There should be more info displayed on the alliance tab. Player level? # of champs? Anything? Also more tiers are needed besides "Commander" and "played today". The alliance owner should be able to demote/kick other commanders. If the owner goes afk for a certain time period he should be demoted and somebody next in line should take over. There are so many dead alliances, trying to search to find one was IMPOSSIBLE because everyone I joined all had players who had abandoned the game months ago.

I'm dropping $ on this monthly, but likely won't continue to support it unless improvements are made to the game/UI, and not just new characters being added.

Just my 2 cents.. well more than that so far ;)