Still need more ISO

I am pleased with the increase in rewards, including ISO, that have been instituted in the past several months. However, there still is not enough ISO. The problem was made quite a bit worse by the vaulting. I am sitting on four 4*'s that are fully covered, but which I can't level, because I am still finishing 4* Iron Fist. I cover characters now weeks before I can level them. And I am falling more and more behind, such that I have to sell a lot of 4* covers because I have no chance of champing them yet. 


  • Mcjordan
    Mcjordan Posts: 82 Match Maker
    I know you've probably heard this a lot around here, but start hoarding tokens/CP/HP.  Don't spend any of them until you have either roster space or enough ISO to champ whoever comes out of the token.  It isn't the most fun way to play, but it is the most efficient. 

    OR you can keep opening everything you get.  You'll likely have more fun at the expensive of min-maxing.